Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Fantastic Four
- Beta Ray Bill
- Silver Surfer (Separates from the Sentry)
- ⏴ Sentry (Bob Reynolds) (Separates from the Silver Surfer and merges with the Void)
- Nova (Richard Rider) (Death and resurrection)
Supporting Characters:
- Lockjaw
- Lord Annihilus
- Nova (Frankie Raye)
- Darkhawk (Chris Powell)
- Devo
- Firelord (Pyreus Kril)
- Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
- Wraith (Zak-Del) (Continuity Error)
- Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
- Smasher (Izzy Kane)
- Cloak (Tyrone Johnson)
- Dagger (Tandy Bowen)
- Firestar (Angelica Jones)
- Ulysses
- Monark Starstalker
- Pip the Troll (Pip Gofern)
- Justice (Vance Astrovik)
- Gladiator (Kallark)
- Aquarian (Wundarr)
- Starjammers
- Cosmo
- Namorita
- Air-Walker
- Nova (Sam Alexander)
- Terminator (Balin)
- Rage (Elvin Haliday)
- Uranian (Robert Grayson)
- Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson)
- Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr)
- Speedball (Robert Baldwin)
- Bug
- Scourge (Destruction)
- Numerous Arthrosians, Baluurians, and various other aliens (Possessed by Many-Angled Ones) (Death)
- ⏴ Void (Leaves team and merges with the Sentry)
Other Characters:
- Franklin Richards (Mentioned)
- Valeria Richards (Mentioned)
- Alicia Grimm (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Unidentified alien species
- Many-Angled Ones
- Inhuman Dogs
- Korbinites
- Dogs (Mentioned)
- Zenn-Lavians
- Alien Gods (Mentioned)
- Arthrosians
- Androids
- Xandarians
- Kree
- Human-Kree Hybrids
- Mutants
- Cyborgs
- Laxidazians
- Strontians
- Dakkamites
- Saurids
- Mephitisoids
- Dogs
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Robots
- Human-Galadorian Hybrids
- Human-Uranian Hybrids
- Kree-Cockroach Hybrids
- Baluurians
- Insectivorids
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Negative Zone
- Hell (Invoked)
- "Positive Zone"
- Shi'ar Galaxy
- Subsector 43 (Unnamed)
- Milky Way
- Shi'ar Galaxy
- Cancerverse (Mentioned)
- Stormbreaker
- Fantastic Four Uniforms
- Vibranium
- Power Cosmic
- Cosmic Control Rod
- Superhuman Registration Act (Mentioned)
- Negative Zone Portal
- Raptors (Race) and Amulet
- Captain Marvel's Suit
- Wraith's Exolon
- Nega-Gauntlets
- Polymorphic Weapon
- Exospex
- Cloak's Cloak
- Nova Star
- Nova Force
- Nova Helmet
- Thunderstrike
- Rocket Lance
- Civil War (Mentioned)
- Thanos Imperative (Mentioned)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
In the face of the Annihilation, there is no more room in the cosmos for heroes or villains – only survival.
Continuity Notes[]
- Web of Venom: Wraith #1 retroactively establish that Wraith was dead during the events of Annihilation: Scourge, rendering his minor appearance here a continuity error.
See Also
- 5 image(s) from Annihilation - Scourge Omega Vol 1 1
- 1 reprint(s) of Annihilation - Scourge Omega Vol 1 1