Marvel Database

Quote1 I am The Magus. I'm here to save you. We all are. Quote2
Magus Child

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

The Avengers arrive at the Colorado compound and confront the Annihilators in the middle of their assault. The team splits into two groups with Quasar and Ikon going after the threat while Ronan, Gladiator and Beta Ray hold off the Avengers. Quasar tells Beta Ray not to let Ronan or Kallark kill anyone. Inside the main structure, the Matriarch goes to the "Belief Font" and ensures it is still safe. As the two teams battle outside, many grudges and past occurrences are brought up by the combatants. Ronan calls Carol Danvers a disgrace to the name Mar-Vell.

As Quasar and Ikon continue deeper inside the compound, Wendell is caught by Spider-Man who demands that he tell him why he is attacking Earth. They crash through a wall and Parker is shocked at the sudden change in the architecture, calling it "unnecessarily DEATH STAR in here." Quasar tells him it is the outer vault of a Belief Font Chamber. They are immediately surrounded by U.C.T. agents. The U.C.T. then engages both teams with their "Absolution" class Purgesuits. Ronan and Gladiator immediately switch targets to the new threat, leaving themselves open. The Thing strikes Ronan from behind but Gladiator comes to the Accuser's aid. In the Belief Font, Quasar erects a shield around himself and Spider-Man when Ikon enters the fray. Parker asks Wendell who she is and he identifies her as a friend of his. Ikon asks Quasar if she must keep saving his butt, aesthetically pleasing as it is. Spider-Man then asks Quasar if she is his Space Girlfriend. The three battle their way into the Font and Ikon shreds the cocoon but finds it empty. Spider-Man asks if that is a GOOD thing or a BAD one? At that moment, a child Magus reveals himself with a number of others like him and proclaims that he is there to save them all.

Appearing in "batteries not included"

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Synopsis for "batteries not included"

Rocket & Groot find themselves staring at an empty compartment where a stardrive should be and questioning why they are hearing voices like suddenly their lives just got a narrator or something. Their ship blows up and they appear in space in combat space armor bewildered at what just happened and how they got there. They target their Badoon attackers forcing one of the pilots to eject. They squeeze into his craft and it begins to plummet to an ice planet below. Mojo calls for the scene to cut and hit the Bio-Stasis on his stars. He proceeds to plan for the next scene expecting to make enormous money on the show. In the background, Rocket's Timely Inc. Shipment Processing Device analyzes the situation and informs the duo they are caught up in an artificial dramatic construction. They blast through a wall realizing they are in a "Flarkin' TV Studio" and are confronted by a hologram of Mojo who opens fire with real weapons.


  • The Matriarch who was present at the secret U.C.T. facility in Colorado known as the Life Science Institute was a purple-skinned alien woman with grey hair. Although her actual name wasn't revealed, she was clearly not the same person as Matriarch Aqwen, a pink-skinned alien woman with brown hair who just been defeated by the Annihilators near the Andromeda Galaxy in the previous issue. This indicates that this incarnation of the U.C.T. could have more than one Matriarch at the same time.

See Also

Links and References

