Marvel Database

Quote1 We do the bidding of the same Celestial Lords our ancestors have served for eons. We are from a long line of Cosmic Overseers. Quote2
Quote1 Apocalypse is one in a long line of beings selected by the Celestials. Charged with ensuring that evolution takes its natural course. Quote2
Dark Beast[src]
En Sabah Nur (Earth-616), Gorsvil (Earth-616), and Kelby Tak (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 15 001

Archangel, the heir of Apocalypse, kneeling in front of portraits of his predecessors

On Earth exists a line of evolutionary overseers or caretakers[1] empowered by the Celestials to ensure their work is done on a given. When a Celestial Host first visits a planet, they engineer the progressive evolution of the planet's species. Continuous change, growth, and improvement among the lifeforms is encouraged by the Celestials, to the point where, if a species fails to evolve at the expected rate, the Celestials may declare their "experiment" a failure and destroy entire species or civilizations.[2]

Celestial Gardeners (Multiverse), Death Seed, and William Rolfson (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 7 001

Genocide being given a Death Seed by a Celestial Gardener

Celestial Hosts only arrive every few thousand years, however, and so the Celestials raise up a representative from the evolving species to ensure their race continues to proceed apace, in the name of evolution,[3] the Celestials-selected being ensuring the success of humanity's new mutations, ensuring they would flourish and become the dominant species.[4] In many realities, En Sabah Nur served as the Celestial caretaker for five thousand years, and so the line of succession is named for him, Apocalypse. He was allegedly the eighth individual to assume this mantle on Earth-616,[5] though the references made to him being the eighth Apocalypse remain unverified.[6]

According to Amahl Farouk, En Sabah Nur was selected because he was (allegedly) the first mutant on Earth.[4] Successors are bestowed with a Death Seed,[7][8] and they are honored by Clan Akkaba.[3][9]

Succession Line[]

En Sabah Nur (Earth-616) and Eson (First Cosmos) from X-Men Vol 2 186 002

En Sabah Nur meeting Eson


En Sabah Nur's role as a chosen representative of the Celestials was only recently unveiled. Previous stories told of how En Sabah Nur became Apocalypse after finding a Celestial ship and claiming its technology as his own, but the mutant was characterized more like a tomb robber than a chosen vessel of evolution.[10][11][12]

En Sabah Nur (Earth-616) and Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 8 001

Statues of En Sabah Nur and Archangel located at Akkaba Metropolis

New information eventually came to light explaining Apocalypse's motivations and behavior in terms of the Celestial mandate. An object known as the Death Seed, provided by a Celestial Gardener can evolve an individual being to become the chosen evolutionary caretaker of the space gods.[8] Once the caretaker has been chosen, they can then use a Death Seed to empower a successor. This successor will be powerful but of lesser might under the caretaker until the caretaker's death, at which point the Death Seed in the successor will fully activate, causing them to evolve into the next caretaker.[3]


Character Name (Main) Rank Ascended/first appeared in Notes
Presumably Apocalypse Seemingly Third Uncanny Avengers #14
(Statue in shadow)
Name unreadable, statue shadowed[13]
Presumably Apocalypse Seemingly Fourth Uncanny Avengers #14
(Statue in shadow)
Name unreadable, statue shadowed[13]
Presumably Apocalypse Seemingly Fifth Uncanny Avengers #14
(Statue in shadow)
Name unreadable, statue shadowed[13]
Kelby Tak[7][14] Presumably Apocalypse Seemingly Sixth Uncanny X-Force #15
Uncanny Avengers #14
(Statue, full name)
"Apocalypse to the Deviants/Eternals".[14] Also spelled Kaby Tak[13]
Gorsvil[14] Presumably Apocalypse Seemingly Seventh Uncanny X-Force #15
Uncanny Avengers #14
(Statue, full name)
"Neanderthal Apocalypse"[14]. Also spelled with two "l".[7]
En Sabah Nur Apocalypse Eighth[5] (unverified)[6] X-Factor #5
(First appearance)
X-Force #37/Cable & Deadpool #27
Last incarnation killed as a child, cloned as Evan Sabahnur;
Named "NSabahNur" in Uncanny Avengers #14.
Warren Worthington III Archangel/Dark Angel[15] Seemingly Ninth Uncanny X-Force #10
Uncanny X-Force #15
(met the Dreaming Celestial)
Former Death of the Horsemen of Apocalypse
Eimin & Uriel Worthington Apocalypse Twins
(Uriel & Eimin)
Seemingly Tenth Uncanny Avengers #5
(Born into role)
Uncanny Avengers #7
(Reclaimed role as adults)
Children of Archangel and Ichisumi (Pestilence);
Prevented Genocide from claiming the role of Heir of Apocalypse, reclaiming the position for themselves
Evan Sabahnur Apocalypse Seemingly Eleventh Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #4 Clone of En Sabah Nur; Ascended due to a reverse spell
Doug Ramsey Revelation Seemingly Twelfth X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4 Winner of a tournament hosted by En Sabah Nur to find an heir

Evicted Heirs[]

Character Name (Main) Supposed rank Evicted/killed in Notes
William Rolfson Genocide Seemingly Tenth Uncanny Avengers #7 Son of En Sabah Nur and Autumn Rolfson (Famine);
Evicted by the Apocalypse Twins

Earth-295 (Age of Apocalypse)[]


Character Name (Main) Rank Ascended/first appeared in Notes
En Sabah Nur Apocalypse Possibly Eighth, if mirrored from Earth-616 X-Men: Alpha #1
James Howlett / Logan Weapon Omega Possibly Ninth, if mirrored from Earth-616 Age of Apocalypse #5 Killed En Sabah Nur's clone supposed to ascend, and ascended in his place
Jean Grey Apocalypse Possibly Tenth, if mirrored from Earth-616 Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #61 Former Phoenix Host

Evicted Heirs[]

Character Name (Main) Supposed rank Evicted/killed in Notes
En Sabah Nur's clone Presumably Apocalypse Possibly Ninth, if mirrored from Earth-616 Age of Apocalypse #5 Clone of En Sabah Nur;
Imbued with the Apocalypse Force;[16]
Killed by Weapon X who ascended in his place