Marvel Database


The Arcturian System is the planetary system orbiting the star Arcturus. The system contains seven planets,[1] the fourth of which was inhabited by a humanoid race knowns as the Arcturans.[2] The planet Fortisque, homeworld of the Fortisquians, is said to also be located within that planetary system.[3]

In recent years, Arcturus IV was targeted by the Axi-Tun, a race who believe themselves to be superior to all other life forms. While being led by a ruler who believed that all inferior life forms should be exterminated, the Axi-Tun sent out a fleet of purification vessels to secretly commit genocide against such races. One of these vessels, commanded by Captain Ramrog, directed a giant asteroid at Arcturus IV. The impact ignited the planet's atmosphere and subsequent bio-readings confirmed that the planet was "clean" after having been purged of all its inferior life forms.[1]


In the early 31st century, Starhawk travelled deep into the Arcturian System to reach Ogord on his home planet.[4] Along the way, Starhawk blasted through defensive force fields, space mines, elite Arcturian starships and drone defense craft orbiting Arcturus-IV. Following in his wake aboard the commandeered Arcturian scout ship Kammar, the Guardians of the Galaxy also fired upon and destroyed any Arcturian starship that crossed their path.[5]

Once the Guardians had rescued Starhawk, they were able to leave Arcturus IV and the Arcturian system aboard the Kammar with relative ease, having decimated the Arcturian fleet on their way in.[6]

Points of Interest



  • Starhawk once told Martinex that Arcturus had twin suns that kept the planet in perpetual daylight.[7] This statement is inconsistent with the fact that Arcturus is a single star but has never been verified or disproven.

See Also

Links and References

