Marvel Database

Quote1 You think this is a lot of wreckage? This is nothin'! This one time, Doc Ock dumped his entire underwater headquarters on me! Water was rushing in...but I never gave up! I never gave in! I have to be equal to my strength -- or else I don't deserve it! NNNN! The strain -- NNNNN! -- it's unbearable -- but -- but -- um, yeah... Actually, I can't lift this. Little help over here? Please? Bueller? Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Godmarked (Part 1) - The Oldest One"

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Synopsis for "Godmarked (Part 1) - The Oldest One"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Hercules! Spider-Man! Ares! New Avengers! Wolverine! Mighty Avengers! The Agents of Atlas! If there's a bigger event this fall, we don't know what it could be! At long last, the Prince of Power takes the fight to his villainous stepmother Hera and the forces of the Olympus Group -- just as she unleashes the most terrifying threat the Marvel Universe has ever seen! But first Herc has to gather together a star-studded strike force from the ranks of the New and the Mighty Avengers! First on the list: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN! But why is Everyone's Friendly Neighborhood fighting against Hercules? Has he joined the side of the dark gods? It's webs and wisecracks versus Olympian power in this super-sized one-shot! (There will be major property damage, we guarantee.) Plus: The iHerc team proudly welcomes our new INCREDIBLE HERCULES on-going back-up feature... THE AGENTS OF ATLAS, written by fan favorite scribe Jeff Parker! When the forces of New Olympus target Venus, will Jimmy Woo lead his team into the fray for or against Hercules' forces?


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