In Japan during World War II, escaped American prisoners-of-war Logan and Ethan Warren came across Atsuko on a small farm in the woods. Warren (without evidence) thought Atsuko was an assassin working for the Emperor, and wanted to kill her. Logan and Warren fought, and Logan and Atsuko escaped together.[1]
Atsuko took Logan to a small house on the outskirts of the nearest city -- Hiroshima, where they made love. Warren found them, shot Logan in the head and then attempted to rape Atsuko. Atsuko fought back with a sword and was able to injure Warren, but eventually Warren stabbed her in the chest with a bayonet. At this point, Logan recovered from his injury, and Logan and Warren fought, each discovering the other was an indestructible mutant. Their evenly-matched fight was ended when the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. While they both survived, Atsuko was killed -- if she wasn't already dead from her wound.[2]Attributes
Atsuko was known to have some fighting experiences.