Marvel Database


Real name: Dr. August Hopper
Nicknames: Doc Hopper
Former aliases: No known former aliases
Other current aliases: No other known current aliases


Occupation: Occupation unknown
Legal status: Legal status unknown
Marital status: Marital status unknown
Group affiliation: No known group affiliation
Base of operations: Base of operations unknown


An entomology professor from Metro College who was fired for his crazy ideas on genetic mutation for insects. He eventually went mad with delusions of grandeur and became: The Locust!

Place of birth: Place of birth unknown
Known relatives: No known relatives
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #24


Dr. August Hopper was an entomology professor from Metro College.

His first attack on humanity was releasing around one dozen locust eggs that were quickly hatched. With each bite of grain they grew bigger. Finally, hundreds of sizes bigger than their unmutated bretheren, the X-Men found them eating in a nearby grove. While trying to take one of them down for study, the National Guard flew in and dropped high-grade pesticides on the giant creatures. They mopped up the remaining locusts with flamethrowers.

Dr. Hopper, thrilled with the success of his first major experiment, retreated back to his laboratory at Ryan Chemicals to test the latest improvements on his formula. He managed to create a portable version of his Magno-Ray, the device used to create the special locust eggs.

A few miles south of the Ohio River, large locusts were again reported and the X-Men again flew to the scene where The Locust finally revealed himself to the group. The Locust tried to tackle the X-Men with his mechanical wings and Exo-Shell, an improved version of an insect's exo-skeleton. When Ice-Man subdued him and the X-Men were closing in, he used his special glowing micro-magnetic bug antennae to summon the insects to do his bidding while he flew away.

The X-Men tackled the bugs and followed The Locust to his mobile lab, where he was planning an attack on Ryan Chemicals. Professor Xavier, in old garb and dressed as a hermit, warned Dr. Hopper to use his talents for the good of mankind. The Locust refused and flew off yet again.

A short distance away, The Locust started to battle the X-Men. While they were fighting, Marvel Girl managed to twist his antennae together. No longer able to control the giant insects, he retreated to his lab and was attacked by two giant beatles mistaking him for prey. The lab teetered on the edge of a cliff before going over the side. At the last minute, Angel grabbed the doctor and flew him out of the falling mobile. The doctor, seeing the folly of his ways, tossed his portable magno-ray and stun weapon over the side and surrendered to the authorities.


Height: x'xx"
Weight: xxx lbs (xxx kg)
Eyes: Eye colour unknown
Hair: Gray
Unusual features: No unusual features


Known Powers: His powers derive from the locust suit he has created.

  • Insect Control: The micro-magnetic bug antennae on the top of his head control the actions of insects in the vicinity of his person.
  • Flying: His suit is equipped with mechanical locust wings.
  • Exo-Shell: His suit is based on the exo-skeletons of insects and is super-strong. Impenetrable, at least to optic blasts.


  • Mutating Insects: His portable Magno-Ray bombards insects with ions in such a way as to accelerate their growth.

Strength level: Strength level unknown


Equipment: No known equipment.
Transportation: No known transportation.
Weapons: No known weapons.


  • No special notes.


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See Also

  • Character Gallery: August Hopper (Earth-616)
  • Fan-Art Gallery: August Hopper (Earth-616)
  • Appearances of August Hopper (Earth-616)
  • Quotations by August Hopper (Earth-616)

External Links

