Autumn Rolfson was one of Apocalypse's Horsemen, Famine.[1] After having a son with Apocalypse, she hid with Clan Akkaba to protect him.[3]
Autumn Rolfson was a young, spoiled, anorexic girl who lived with her parents in Cleveland, Ohio. Autumn's parents were upset that she didn't eat, because that meant she might have had to go to a hospital again which would likely lead to her school grades slipping. Autumn's parents also pointed out that if the neighbors knew she was a mutant that disintegrated food, they'd think they were all freaks. Autumn was upset by this, thinking her parents didn't care about her, just the way other people saw her.[1]
Apocalypse waited in her room and told Autumn that she could get revenge on her parents and on those who hated and feared her. Autumn agreed and was teleported away to his Celestial Ship, where she cut off her hair and donned a sickly green mask. Apocalypse made her his Horseman, Famine. As Famine, Rolfson often bickered with the War, much to Apocalypse's annoyance.[1][4]
During their first mission, Famine argued with War and Pestilence as none of them wished to take orders from the other. They battled X-Factor in Central Park where they were defeated by Iceman.[5] After the fourth Horseman, Death, was revealed, Apocalypse pit his minions against each other to find a leader. Death easily defeated Famine and the others and was chosen by Apocalypse to lead the group.[6]
Fall of the Mutants[]
After Apocalypse teleported X-Factor to his ship, Famine battled Iceman once again. She was eventually defeated, but quickly recovered and joined the other Horsemen as they set out to Manhattan to cause chaos.[7] There, Famine battled Marvel Girl and easily defeated her.[8] As a reward Apocalypse teleported her to America's farm belt so she could disintegrate the nation's crops and cattle, but she was ultimately defeated by Captain America.[9]
Famine returned to Apocalypse's side shortly after her defeat.[10] After Apocalypse's ship repaired itself, Famine held up a glass in celebration with Apocalypse and his remaining henchmen.[11]
Apocalypse, fearing the Celestials' wrath for allowing X-Factor to escape, sent Famine, War, and Caliban to the Morlock Tunnels in search of replacements for the deceased Pestilence and the defected Death. After easily defeating several Morlocks, Famine and War turned on Caliban as they plotted to murder him without Apocalypse's knowledge. Famine used her powers to incapacitate Caliban, but interference from the New Mutants prevented War from finishing him off. Feral soon attacked Famine, who drained her lifeforce. However, while she was distracted, Erg blasted Famine unconscious. After the battle, Caliban returned to Apocalypse with Famine and War. Apocalypse ordered Caliban to take them to his bio lab for restoration, but to not let them rejoin Caliban again.[12]
X-Cutioner's Song[]
Famine later appeared alongside War and the new Death, where they captured Jean Grey and Cyclops and handed them to Apocalypse, who was Mister Sinister in disguise. The X-Men and X-Factor sought out the Horsemen and, though Famine took out Beast, she was beaten by Quicksilver.[13]
Dark Angel Saga[]
During her time serving as a Horseman, Autumn had an affair with Apocalypse and conceived a son, William. Fearing Apocalypse would view her son as a threat and kill him, Autumn went into hiding with Clan Akkaba at Akkaba Metropolis.[3]
Autumn and her son remained in hiding until she was found by Archangel during his ascension as the new Apocalypse. He recruited William, now codenamed Genocide, to help to cleanse the world and restart evolution.[3] When Autumn later realized that he was turning her son into a monster just like his father, she pulled a pair of guns on Archangel and demanded he release them from his service. Archangel swiftly sliced her in half with one of his wings, killing her.[2]Attributes
Autumn was a mutant. She hadn't used her powers after the M-Day, so it is unknown if she lost them or not.
- Decay Inducement: Autumn was able to decay organic matter. At first she was only able to affect food, uncontrollably turning all food around her to dust.[1][8][14] Apocalypse then amplified her power and helped her to control it better.[8] She learned to channel the effect of her power into beams she could direct at specific targets,[5] or channel it via physical touch.[9] Autumn also learned to affect any organic matter, including living beings.[8] On plants her power worked almost instantly, she was able to turn a tree into dust[5] and decayed multiple grain fields in Midwestern in a few hours.[9] However, on animals and people the effect was much slower, and instead caused them to shrivel and emaciate, inducing extreme hunger.[7][8] If she hadn't stopped, her targets would die after a short time,[9] however if she stopped, the effect would disappear after some time if her target had enough food.[8] If Famine tried to use her power on beings that don't require food or water to survive, it caused the effect to backfire and target her instead.[15]
Additional Attributes
See Also
- 21 appearance(s) of Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
- 4 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
- 7 minor appearance(s) of Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
- 2 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
- 15 image(s) of Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
- 3 quotation(s) by or about Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
- 1 victim(s) killed by Autumn Rolfson (Earth-616)
Links and References
- Autumn Rolfson on
- Character Profiles: Famine
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 X-Factor #12
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Uncanny X-Force #16
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Uncanny X-Force #14
- ↑ X-Factor #15
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 X-Factor #19
- ↑ X-Factor #23
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 X-Factor #24
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 X-Factor #25
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Captain America #339
- ↑ X-Factor #26
- ↑ X-Factor #27
- ↑ X-Men Legends #11
- ↑ Uncanny X-Men #294–295
- ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1
- ↑ Uncanny X-Men #294
- ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1