The Avengers seemed to follow a similar timeline to their Earth-199999 counterparts, up until around 2018. During that time, most former members of the Avengers have reunited to fight the Zombie Invasion that was accidentally provoked by Hank Pym when he wanted to save his wife, Janet Van Dyne, from the Quantum Realm without knowing that she had been infected by a virus coming from there.
The Avengers attempted to fight the Invasion of the Undead, but were quickly immolated and zombified and are now part of their ranks.[1]Paraphernalia
See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Avengers (Earth-89521)
- 1 minor appearance(s) of Avengers (Earth-89521)
- 1 image(s) of Avengers (Earth-89521)
- 9 member(s) of Avengers (Earth-89521)