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This page may contain spoilers with plot and/or ending details about stories which have been only recently published or broadcast.
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Oh, Calvin. This is the problem with studying all the science and no art...You don't learn good story structure. Whether it's a heist or horror, haven't you seen enough movies to know? There's always a twist at the end.
Appearing in "The Turn"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mysteriant (Qaari Beck) (Leaves Sinister Six)
- Lizard Boy (Billy Connors)
- Stanley Osborn
- Squid Kid's Sinister Six
Races and Species:
- Captain America's Shield
- Crimson Cosmos Armor
- Rhinoceress Armor
- Goblin Glider
- Goblin Armor
- Mysteriant Suit
- Squid Kid's Tentacles
- Goblin Formula (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Turn"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Our heroes rally to rescue Stanley Osborn and stop the Sinister Six from obtaining the Goblin Serum from his blood! And things only get more gruesome from there.