The story begins when the Avengers Mansion's sensors warn the residing Avengers of an intruder, quickly identified as the reanimated corpse of Jack of Hearts, who had previously died saving the life of Ant-Man's daughter Cassie. Jack inexplicably detonates, killing Ant-Man (Scott Lang) in a blast that destroys half of the mansion. The Vision crashes a Quinjet onto the site, only to attack the survivors of the explosion, carrying a small army of Ultron robots which attack the survivors. During this attack, She-Hulk goes into a frenzy, resulting in her tearing the Vision in two. She-Hulk's running amok puts the Wasp, Captain America, and Captain Britain in the hospital, although the three recovered by the crossover's epilogue. Finally, a wounded Hawkeye sacrifices his life to save his friends by destroying an invading Kree warship.
In the end, it is revealed that the Scarlet Witch was behind these seemingly random attacks. She had been driven insane by the loss of her children years earlier; the children who actually had been magical constructs the Witch had subconsciously created from the essence of the demon Mephisto. The attackers (including the Ultrons and the Kree) were creations of the Scarlet Witch. She was defeated by Doctor Strange, who explained the events that had just occurred, and was whisked away by her father, Magneto.
As a result of these events, Yellowjacket and the Wasp reconciled, and retired to give their relationship a real go. Captain Britain returned home to England. She-Hulk left the group, distraught with the guilt of what she did to the Vision.Issues
- Captain America (Vol. 4) #29-32
- Captain America and the Falcon #5-7
- Fantastic Four #517-519
- Iron Man (Vol. 3) #86-89
- Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #17-20
- Thor (Vol. 2) #82-85
Recommended Reading[]
- Excalibur (Vol. 3) #8 (parallel story)
- House of M ("sequel event")
- Avengers: The Children's Crusade ("sequel" to both House of M and the Young Avengers series)
- Although not bannered as a part of the crossover, the events of Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill are a direct sequel to the story in Thor (Vol. 2).
- The events of this story were seemingly retconned in the 2010 series Avengers: The Children's Crusade; wherein Doctor Doom claimed that he was responsible for manipulating Wanda during both Disassembled and the subsequent House of M event. However, it was left open-ended whether Doom had been telling the truth in regards to the extent of his involvement.
See Also
- 4 minor appearance(s) of Avengers Disassembled
- 1 mention(s) of Avengers Disassembled
- 30 article(s) related to Avengers Disassembled