Appearing in ""Sidekicks" (Part 3 of 6)"
Young Avengers #3
Featured Characters:
- "Young Avengers"
- Iron Lad (Nathaniel Richards)
- Asgardian (Billy Kaplan) (Name revealed)
- Hulkling (Teddy Altman) (Name revealed)
- Patriot (Eli Bradley) (Name revealed)
- Cassie Lang
- Kate Bishop
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (Mentioned)
- Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (Mentioned)
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton) (Mentioned)
- Rebecca Kaplan (Mentioned) (Name revealed)
- Jeff Kaplan (Mentioned) (Name revealed)
- Bucky Barnes (Mentioned)
- The Black Captain America (Isaiah Bradley) (Only in flashback)
- Sarah Gail Bradley (Mentioned)
- Thor (Mentioned)
- Thunderbolts (Mentioned)
- Faith Bradley (Mentioned)
- Avengers Fail-Safe Program (First appearance)
- Matthew Bronleewe (Mentioned)
- Todd Casey (Mentioned)
- Richard Chung (Mentioned)
- Anissa Dorsey (Mentioned)
- Perry Moore (Mentioned)
- Robin Parrish (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Avengers Fail-Safe Program
- Captain America's Uniform
- Captain America's Shield
- Extremis Armor
- Iron Lad Armor
- Wiccan's Staff
- Patriot's Uniform
- Isaiah Bradley's Shield (Only in flashback)
- Ant-Man's Suit
- Pym Particles (Mentioned)
- Ant-Man's Helmet (Mentioned)
- Super-Soldier Serum (Mentioned)
- Kang Armor
- Mutant Growth Hormone (Behind the scenes)
Synopsis for ""Sidekicks" (Part 3 of 6)"
Young Avengers #3
At the former Avengers Mansion, Nathaniel Richards explains to Iron Man, Captain America, and Jessica Jones that he had "downloaded the Vision's operating system and data files into [his] armor," but his exposition is interrupted by commotion outside, where the four discover Patriot, Hulkling, Asgardian and Kate Bishop tending to an enormously tall and unconscious Cassie Lang.
Captain America and Kate revive Cassie and help her shrink back to her normal size, escorting her into the mansion to retrieve her father's equipment, and Richards introduces the Young Avengers, claiming that they were "part of the Avengers failsafe program" which had been designed by the Vision "to pinpoint the exact locations of the next wave of...young Avengers" "if anything should happen to the Avengers." Richards claims that each of the Young Avengers is tied in some way to the Avengers, though none of them know how.
Captain America asks Kate to step outside in order for the Young Avengers to reveal their true identities. Hulkling and Asgardian admit that they don't know how they acquired their powers, but Patriot reveals that he is the grandson of "the real Captain America," "the black Captain America," Isaiah Bradley.
Upstairs, Cassie dons her father's uniform and admits to Stark that, though her "growth spurt" that evening was the first she has experienced, she has been stealing Pym Particles for years. Stark refuses to return Scott's helmet to Cassie, claiming that the life of a superhero is too dangerous for someone as young as her, and explaining that he disbanded the Avengers after the Scarlet Witch "murdered the Vision and Hawkeye and [her] father."
Downstairs, Patriot explains that he acquired his powers after receiving a blood transfusion from his grandfather, but their conversation is interrupted by commotion outside where they encounter the Growing Man. Hulkling attacks the android, which splits into a platoon of smaller human-sized replicas, all of whom demand to know where "the Master" is. Captain America suggests subduing the replicas rather than fighting them, and when Richards realizes that the replicas are "stimuloids" that he invented, he orders Asgardian to utilize his "other powers." Asgardian performs a spell and Richards tells the replicas that he is their master, causing the replicas to send a signal to notify the thirtieth century Kang that they have located Richards.
Inside the Mansion, Stark opens the training facility, explaining that he and Captain America need to see what the Young Avengers "are capable of without [their] gear." The teenagers leave their equipment and head inside the room, and Stark locks the door so that Captain America can contact the Young Avengers's parents. As Rogers, Stark and Jones discuss the likelihood of Richards's story, Kang the Conqueror arrives from the future.
Appearing in "Sidekicks (Part 4 of 6)"
Young Avengers #4
Featured Characters:
- Young Avengers
- Asgardian (Billy Kaplan)
- Cassie Lang (Joins)
- Hulkling (Teddy Altman) (First appearance in human form)
- Iron Lad (Nathaniel Richards)
- Kate Bishop (Joins)
- Patriot (Eli Bradley)
Supporting Characters:
- Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards)
- Growing Men (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Avengers (Mentioned)
- Jessica Jones' Unborn Child (Mentioned)
- Mockingbird (Bobbi Morse) (Mentioned)
- Black Knight (Dane Whitman) (Mentioned)
- Swordsman (Jacques DuQuesne) (Mentioned)
- Vision (Mentioned)
- Adolf Hitler (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Avengers Fail-Safe Program (Mentioned)
- Captain America's Uniform
- Captain America's Shield
- Extremis Armor
- Kang Armor
- Patriot's Uniform
- Iron Lad Armor
- Kate Bishop's costume
- Wiccan's Staff
- Mutant Growth Hormone (Behind the scenes)
Synopsis for "Sidekicks (Part 4 of 6)"
Young Avengers #4
At the former Avengers Mansion, Kang the Conqueror holds Jessica at gunpoint and electrocutes Iron Man and Captain America while demanding to know the whereabouts of Nathaniel Richards.
In the training facility, Richards, Elijah, Teddy, Billy, and Cassie realize that they have been tricked into waiting while Stark and Rogers call the police and their parents. They each attempt to use their powers to escape the room, but they each fail and Elijah suggests that Kaplan use his "other powers." Richards accepts Cassie as a member of the Young Avengers, but their conversation is interrupted when Kate opens the door from the outside, explaining that Iron Man and Captain America are outside "talking to Kang."
Outside, Jessica disarms Kang, who claims that he must return Richards to the thirtieth century in order to maintain the timestream, or "reality, as you know it, will cease to exist." He points out that the world around them is already changing, and the three realize that New York City is crumbling around them.
In the training facility, the Young Avengers retrieve their equipment and prepare to head outside as Kate takes up the weapons of both Hawkeye and Mockingbird, earning her the nickname of "Hawkingbird." Patriot insists that Kate is "not coming with" them until she presents him with the traditionally-shaped shield of Captain America.
Outside, Iron Man and Captain America discover that their uniforms have changed, and Jessica finds herself wearing her Jewel costume, which now fits because she is no longer pregnant. Realizing how much the timestream will change, Captain America agrees to give up Richards to Kang, not realizing that the Young Avengers are near enough to overhear.
The Young Avengers search for a way out through the Mansion's subbasements, though Kate suggests that perhaps Richards should return to his own time if his staying will cause the entirety of history to change. Hulkling reluctantly agrees, but Patriot refuses to turn Richards over, and Richards leads the team through a tunnel that empties out near the Mansion's front gates where the Young Avengers discover Jewel, Captain America, Iron Man, and Kang waiting for them. Captain America tells Richards that he has no choice but to return to the future with Kang, but Richards flies off and Iron Man gives chase after throwing off Hulkling, who reveals that he is actually a shape-shifter.
Above New York City, Iron Man and Iron Lad fight one another, and Richards blasts Stark out of the sky. Richards catches Stark and returns to the the Mansion, where Kang overrides the Iron Lad armor and causes Richards to attack Kaplan, Atlman, and Cassie. Kang then orders the Iron Lad armor to detonate a massive blast that levels the Mansion and knocks the Avengers and Young Avengers unconscious before suggesting that he and Richards leave the 21st Century.
Appearing in "The Yesterday Quest!"
Avengers #185
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Redwing
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
- Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) (Main story and flashback)
- Edwin Jarvis
- Jocasta
- Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (Main story and flashback)
- Unnamed Tribe (Only in flashback)
- Django Maximoff (Main story and flashback)
- Marya Maximoff (Only in flashback)
- Unnamed tribe members (Only in flashback)
- Bova (Main story and flashback)
- Robert Frank (Whizzer) (Only in flashback)
- Madeline Frank (Miss America) (Only in flashback)
- Modred the Mystic
- Toad (Mortimer Toynbee) (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Officer Rossi (First appearance)
- Officer Sanchez (First appearance)
- Sir Porga (Only in flashback)
- Absorbing Man (Carl Creel) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and flashback)
- Mutants
- Human-Kree Hybrids
- Synthezoids
- Hawks
- Robots
- New Men (Main story and flashback)
- Faeries (Mentioned)
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- North America
- Europe (Main story and flashback)
- Transia (Main story and flashback)
- Wundagore Mountain (Main story and flashback)
- Citadel of Science (Main story and flashback)
- Wundagore Mountain (Main story and flashback)
- Transia (Main story and flashback)
- Hawkeye's Suit and Bow
- Captain America's Uniform and Shield
- Iron Man Armor Model 4
- Ms. Marvel's Suit
- Falcon's Wings
- Absorbing Man's Ball and Chain (Cameo)
Synopsis for "The Yesterday Quest!"
Avengers #185
The story opens in the aftermath of the previous issue’s battle with the Absorbing Man. Iron-Man placates the arriving police by stating the Avengers will pay for damages. Captain America introduces Falcon to his new teammates. Disgruntled and embittered, Hawkeye sticks around just long enough to utter a few snippy remarks before storming off in a huff.
Across the ocean, in East Transia, Wanda (the Scarlet Witch), Pietro (Quicksilver), and Django check into a hotel for the night. Pietro shares a room with Django across the hall from Wanda’s own. He advises her that she can call on him easily if there is any trouble. Wanda remarks that she feels completely safe as if she’s come home.
Pietro has difficulty sleeping. Despite believing his parents to be the Whizzer and Miss America, he has hazy recollections of an earlier life lived among gypsies and of a pair of adults making him promise to always look after Wanda if something should happen to them. Despite his troubled mind, Pietro eventually drifts off to sleep.
Very late at night, Wanda's sleep is disturbed by a mysterious visitor, Modred the Mystic. He offers to help her find the answers she seeks but only her alone as the path is dangerous for those without arcane abilities. Reluctantly, she agrees to go with him. Modred magically clothes her in her costume and they fly off into the night. They are seen flying away, however, by a wakeful young villager from her bedroom window.
Modred takes Wanda to the precipice of Wundagore Mountain. She is startled to see the remains of the High Evolutionary’s citadel which have fallen into ruins since he departed the world. Yet still, there are defensive security devices that attack them. Although Modred receives a minor injury from one, Wanda disables it with a hex. They enter the ruins of the stronghold itself and see before them a floating book and altar. The book, Modred intones, belongs to his dark master. Then, Modred fells Wanda with a bolt of arcane energy before relating that the altar... is for Wanda! The mountain is silent except for the low rumble of laughter.
The next morning, Pietro discovers Wanda missing. Alarmed, he races around the village searching for her but finds no clue. As he slumps to the ground in despair, a young girl (the eyewitness from the prior evening) tells him she saw Wanda fly up to the top of Wundagore last night. Pietro suddenly recalls that Django said there were lights in the sky over Wundagore on the night he and Wanda were born. He races up the side of the mountain so fast that he isn’t aware of someone watching him. He slams full-tilt into a force field barrier, gets knocked unconscious, and tumbles a good length of the way back down the side of it.
Quicksilver awakens much later in a small mountain cottage way up the mountainside. He sees a matronly figure who is re-sewing his torn costume and addresses him by name. When he asks who she is and how she knows him, he sees her face for the first time. She is a humanoid bovine and she claims to have brought him into the world!
Appearing in "The Power! The Passion! The Pride!"
Journey Into Mystery #121
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Hercules (Referenced)
- Numerous unnamed New Yorkers
- Numerous unnamed police officers
- Harris Hobbs
- Ularic (Appears on screen)
- Numerous unnamed Asgardians
- Heimdall (Referenced)
Races and Species:
- Asgardians
- Humans
- Frost Giants
- Dogs (Referenced)
- Insects (Mentioned)
- Fleas (Referenced)
- Horses
- Birds
- Earthspace
- Asgard
- City of Asgard
- Rainbow Bridge (Referenced)
Synopsis for "The Power! The Passion! The Pride!"
Journey Into Mystery #121
Story continued from Journey Into Mystery #120....
While trying to learn what happened to Jane Foster, Thor finds himself attacked by the recently revived Absorbing Man. As the battle rages, the Absorbing Man attempts to wrest Thor's hammer away, however the enchantment that makes it return to Thor whenever he throws it prevents this from happening. While, in Asgard, Loki watches the battle with eagerness however is briefly interrupted by Balder the Brave who has come to make sure that Loki isn't up to mischief, however Loki manages to convince the trusting Balder that he is not up to anything before resuming his watch of the battle between Thor and the Absorbing Man.
Back on Earth, the Absorbing Man attempts to gain the upper hand by absorbing the height and properties of nearby skyscrapers making him grow titanic in size, however the Thunder God is still able to keep the Absorbing Man on the defensive and ultimately the Absorbing Man resumes his natural size and the battle rages on. Watching the battle on TV and witnessing the carnage from outside of a window is Jane Foster, who is asked to not be seen by the mysterious hooded man who has brought her to this location, and tells her that he will explain why he has gathered her in due course before leaving her alone once more.
While back on Asgard, Loki is finally left alone and checks on Ularic to insure that the Warlock is still subdued, and makes sure that both Balder and Odin are preoccupied with other matters before plotting his ultimate revenge. Elsewhere still on Earth, the one Norn Stone dropped by Thor is still left unattended, an omen of trouble ahead.
Back in New York City, Thor continues his battle against the Absorbing Man, who briefly becomes very vulnerable when he accidentally absorbs the property of glass and has to flee. He seeks refuge in a bank vault (assuming the property of it's steel) before Thor smashes through and continues their battle. As the battle takes them out into the streets once more, the police scramble to get the crowd away. When a young child gets in the middle of the battle, Thor takes his attentions off the Absorbing Man long enough for his foe to land a powerful blow that knocks the Thunder God out.