Marvel Database

Appearing in "Late Night of the Super-Stars"

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Synopsis for "Late Night of the Super-Stars"

Hawkeye arrives at Avengers Mansion with his new bride, Mockingbird. Even as the couple accustoms themselves to the Vision's new hologram form, Wonder Man calls to ask if the team will aid his acting career by appearing with him on the David Letterman Show. With the regular members on a mission, the Vision recruits several former members, and soon Wonder Man, Hawkeye, and Mockingbird are joined by the Black Panther, the Beast, and the Black Widow. Fabian Stankowicz, the Avengers' bumbling antagonist, invades the TV studio in disguise and installs various of his inventions, which attack the heroes on stage, while Stankowicz brazenly takes the guest seat and explains his devices. When Letterman produces a giant doorknob and knocks him momentarily senseless, then deactivates his power source, the Avengers make short work of Fabian's creations. To Wonder Man's dismay, however, the show's telecast is ultimately pre-empted by an emergency news bulletin.

Solicit Synopsis

People ever tell you that too much television can be bad for you? We won't tell you which late night talk show the Avengers appear on - let's just say that it's more fun than Earth's Mightiest Heroes should be allowed to have! Until our mystery villains hear about it - and network TV will never be the same!

See Also

Links and References

