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Quote1 I… well, there is no easy way to put this… but I have taken over the world. Quote2

Appearing in "Conquering Vision"

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Synopsis for "Conquering Vision"

Abandoning his physical form, the Vision sends his mind into the world computer network and begins to take it over. Unexpectedly, he encounters another living intelligence trapped therein, that of the Mad Thinker's humanoid computer creation, Quasimodo. When the Vision refuses to help free him, Quasimodo turns on him, and the two battle across cyberspace, until the Vision finally expels his foe from the network. Meanwhile, Dane Whitman has escaped, and the Avengers, realizing something is amiss, learn of the Vision's deception!


  • Vision integrates his mind with the world's computers, effectively taking control of the world's computer systems.
  • The Avengers learn of the Vision's ploy and begin to decide how to stop him.
  • Vision's takeover of the world's computers would eventually lead to the organization of the Vigilance program, and his dismantling by government officials.

See Also

Links and References

