“Just hold tight, old son. 'Cause if that rumbling I'm hearing from either side means what I think it does, the Avengers are here.”
Appearing in "The Villain Who Fell From Grace With the Earth"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- ⏴ Silverclaw (Maria de Guadalupe Santiago) ⏵
- Edwin Jarvis
- ⏴ Triathlon (Delroy Garrett Jr.) ⏵ (Origin revealed)
- ⏴ Wonder Man (Simon Williams) ⏵
Other Characters:
- Matuscek (First appearance)
- Triune Understanding (Only in flashback) (First appearance)
- Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur) (in Magnum's thoughts)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Alberia (Mentioned)
- Caribbean Sea
- Martinique (First appearance)
- United States of America
- Evangeline (First appearance)
Synopsis for "The Villain Who Fell From Grace With the Earth"
The Avengers have infiltrated Magnum's floating resort, the Evangeline. Despite the help of Triathlon and Silverclaw, they are unable to stop Magnum from powering up using the seismic cannon. Wanda is injured in the fighting and Wonder Man appears to pitch in against Magnum. Magnum loses control of his power and is buried alive.
- Hawkeye leaves the Avengers and eventually helps the Thunderbolts to redeem themselves.