Appearing in "Between Two Fires"
Featured Characters:
- United States Army
- Able Company
- Sergeant Gordon
- Captain (Unnamed)
- Other Soldiers (Unnamed)
- Able Company
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Between Two Fires"
Able Company takes Belly High Hill from top to bottom after relying on the enemies lack of communication with one squad to another.
Appearing in "Combat Team!"
Featured Characters:
- Smitty
Supporting Characters:
- United States Army
- Company K
- Travers
- Levin
- Olsen
- Gates
- Peters
- Company K
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Combat Team!"
A soldier has trouble trusting his men to do their jobs, until he gets hurt and realizes that they are a team without him.
Appearing in "Water for the Troops"
Synopsis for "Water for the Troops"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Command Decision"
Featured Characters:
- Lieutenant Sam Shaw
Supporting Characters:
- Confederate Army
- Robert E. Lee (First appearance)
Races and Species:
- Earth (1865)
- United States of America
- Virginia
- Appomattox
- Petersburg (Mentioned)
- Richmond (Mentioned)
- Virginia
- United States of America
Synopsis for "Command Decision"
A Confederate soldier who praises his general soon finds himself questioning his decision to surrender only to realize that is takes courage to accept defeat when no victory can be achieved.
Appearing in "The Grey Wolves!"
Featured Characters:
- Belgian Army
- Andre Berriere
- Du Paul
- Phillipe
Supporting Characters:
- Burgomaster Berriere
- German Empire
- Kaiser Wilhelm II
- Wilhelm (Wilhelm II's son)
- General von Lutwitz
Other Characters:
- Albert I of Belgium (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "The Grey Wolves!"
The German Empire comes to the city of Louvain, a small step on their way to conquer Europe. The Belgian people however did not allow for the German army to take them quietly.
- "Combat Team!" is reprinted in War Is Hell #3.