Appearing in "The Lost Gods of Kobol -- Part Two A Death in the Family!"
Featured Characters:
- Colonial Warriors
- Commander Adama
- Colonel Tigh
- Captain Apollo
- Lieutenant Athena
- Lieutenant Boomer
- Lieutenant Starbuck
- Commander Adama
- Cassiopeia
Supporting Characters:
- Colonial Warriors
- Flight Sergeant Jolly
- Lieutenant Giles
- Ensign Greenbean
- Lieutenant Deitra
- Lieutenant Brie
- Flight Sergeant Jolly
- Dr. Spang
- Serina (Death)
- Sire Uri
- Count Baltar
- Lucifer
- Cylons
Other Characters:
- Kobol (First appearance)
- The Void
- Colonial Blaster
- Colonial Fleet
- Battlestar Galactica
- Battlestar Galactica
- Colonial Vipers
- Cylon Basestars
- Cylon Fighters
Synopsis for "The Lost Gods of Kobol -- Part Two A Death in the Family!"
- Synopsis not yet written
- This issue contains a letters page: Battlestar Bulletins. Letters are published from: John Adams and David Morrison.