Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 Remy kiss many women, chère, but love me! Quote2
Bella Donna Boudreaux[src]


Bella Donna had become the leader of the Assassins' Guild, and used an annual tradition to destroy their rivals, the Thieves' Guild. However, Gambit reveals her scheme and the Benefactress punishes Bella Donna by stripping her of her power. In the end, Gambit leaves Bella Donna for a second time when he returns to the X-Men, alone and in tears.[1]



By means of her status as the Chosen One of the Assassins' Guild, Bella Donna has been imbued with power from the X-Ternal. She can launch blasts of energy from her hands, and has displayed the ability to channel energy into a ring worn by a target. When doing so, the target suffers near-crippling pain and any mutant powers they may possess are suppressed.


See Also

Links and References

