Established in Manhattan's Lower East Side, the Beyond Corporation began efforts into privatized superheroism and used their own Beyond Tower as a base of operations. With the Langston A.I. governing building security, Beyond stationed their new corporate hero-mascot, Spider-Man (Ben Reilly), with his long-time recently-paroled girlfriend, Janine Godbe, in the penthouse. Overseeing the building's resources from Spider-Man's deployment to Hero logistics is Ben's supervisor, Marcus Momplaisir, who recruited Dr. Ashley Kafka to maintain Ben's mental well-being.
- Spider-Man (Ben Reilly): Beyond's legally-sanctioned Spider-Man
- Janine Godbe: Ben Reilly's girlfriend
- Marcus Momplaisir: Ben Reilly's handler
- Dr. Ashley Kafka: Beyond Tower's head psychiatrist; principally for Ben Reilly
- Maxine Danger: Department Head of Super Hero Development
- Dr. Bailey: Beyond Tower Doctor
- Operator Johnson: Member of Beyond Tower security