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Marvel Database

Quote1 It doesn't matter that this all happened before we were born -- the responsibility is ours to bear... the world still ours to protect. Quote2
Hiro Takachiho

Appearing in "Brave New Heroes!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mr. Seguri
  • Commnder Serizawa
  • Sam
  • Kano
  • Gaisa



Synopsis for "Brave New Heroes!"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The astonishing return of Big Hero Six! Who, you ask? Why none other than Japan's top heroes, defending the land of the rising sun in the name of the Emperor! Come join Hiro (the smartest boy in Japan), Baymax (his trusty robot companion), Honey Lemon (with her all-containing handbag), Gogo Tomago (somersaulting into an unstoppable energy ball)... plus, who are the Six's two new members? When unknown super-villains strike Tokyo, BH6 is on the scene, and the stage is set for new adventure and a new series!


  • Contains updated handbook profiles for

Big Hero 6, Baymax, Go-Go Tomago, Hiro, Honey Lemon, Silver Samurai, and Sunfire written by Anthony Flamini.

  • Contains a sketchbook previously only available online showing the redesigns created for the team, the new members, several new members, and concepts for the first cover design.

See Also

Links and References

