The Black Order seemed to follow the same timeline as their Earth-199999 counterparts, until about 2018. After Thanos destroyed the ship carrying the Asgardians, he sent his children after the gems that were on Earth, unaware that it had been decimated by a virus that turned those affected into Zombies.
Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian came to Earth to reclaim the Infinity Gems, a fresh Bruce Banner tried to confront them but the Hulk would not face them. The two were about to attack Banner when they were interrupted by a zombified Wong, Doctor Strange and Iron Man who attacked and infected them.[1] It is unknown if the other half of the Black Order was also zombified.Paraphernalia
See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Black Order (Earth-89521)
- 1 image(s) of Black Order (Earth-89521)
- 2 member(s) of Black Order (Earth-89521)