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Marvel Database
Marvel Database


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Kikyo Mikage arrives in Armarot to help Blade deal with Deacon Frost as they kill vampires on both sides of the armies. While Blade fights Deacon Frost, Kikyo Mikage deals with a seven-headed vampire monster. Noah van Helsing surveys the battlefield as he detonates the Existence's arsenal. Blade enters Deacon Frost's castle and confronts Deacon Frost. When Blade states that he is sending Deacon Frost to Hell, Deacon Frost activates the ultimate vampire species as he thanks Blade for his "help" into giving him the means of destroying the High Council. Deacon Frost leaves as his ultimate vampire creations attack. Meanwhile, Noah van Helsing and Razor fight their way towards the blood source as he is targeted by the Mandurugos and the Manananggals until Razor saves him. Kikyo Mikage manages to behead the seven-headed vampire monster as Noah van Helsing drops the water used by Agus into Armarot's blood supplies. Blade fights by more of the ultimate vampire species as they are shown to not have the same weaknesses as the other vampires. Deacon Frost undergoes a blood infusion. Razor crashes the Mandurugo into the tainted blood supplies as it spills throughout Armarot affecting every vampire that comes in contact with it. The ultimate vampire species assume a second form that enables them flight. While racing the ultimate vampire species up the stairs,, Blade makes it to the top of Deacon Frost's castle and fights by the ultimate vampire species. Kikyo Mikage crashes the multi-headed vampire species into the support beam of Armarot which collapses it's dome to enable more sunlight to kill more vampires. Deacon Frost states to Blade that his ultimate vampire species have the same powers as Blade. When Deacon Frost asks about Mokoto, he figures out that Blade killed her to put her out of her misery and that he is killing the people he loved. Blade charges towards Deacon Frost while fighting the ultimate vampire species where it is discovered that the ultimate vampire species are not immune to silver. Deacon Frost kills one of the ultimate vampire species as he assumes a much more powerful form where Deacon Frost finds himself unharmed by the sun. Deacon Frost states that a new day has come to the vampire world. Blade then proceeds to fight Deacon Frost who proves too powerful for Blade and punches him into a wall. Blade continues his fight with Deacon Frost where his punches blocked one of Blade's attacks. Deacon Frost is stabbed in the hand as Blade punches Deacon Frost out the window. As they are falling, Blade stabs Deacon Frost in the heart with his mother's knife in order to avenge the innocent lives that he took and finally destroys Deacon Frost. Armarot then begins to collapse upon the force of Deacon Frost's destruction. In the ruins of Armarot, Noah van Helsing tells a truck driver that there is no sign of Blade. Razor barks at Blade's arrival as Noah van Helsing tells Blade that he knew Blade would come through. Kikyo Mikage tells Blade that they both won this time and leaves. When Noah van Helsing asks Blade what he'll be doing now that Deacon Frost is gone, Blade vows to continue his quest of exterminating every vampire in the world.

See Also

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