Marvel Database

Avengers Vol 8 37 Black Panther Timeless Variant
Black Panther
Quote1 You're not Blade, are you. Quote2
Varnae (Earth-616) from Blood Hunt Vol 1 4 001
Quote1 No. I am something much greater. And I will become greater still, Black Panther. This has always been the plan, do you see? This has always been the work. Thousands upon thousands of years ago, what was begun with a crime against the universe will see completion, here and now. When I was born for the second time in a stone sarcophagus, drowned in blood. Quote2
Avengers Vol 8 37 Black Panther Timeless Variant
Black Panther
Quote1 What are you?! Quote2
Varnae (Earth-616) from Blood Hunt Vol 1 4 001
Quote1 The First, Black Panther. The First Vampire, my nomad spirit clothed in my fated vessel, the Daywalker's skin. I am Varnae. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

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Solicit Synopsis

Doctor Strange and Clea court a dread ally – but at what cost comes this aid? Hunter’s Moon and Tigra do the same- but can this shadowy figure be trusted? And meanwhile, the Avengers are given the battle they so sorely crave in order to avenge their fallen friends. But in the darkness…a light?

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