It's cool that you found the Brotherhood. Hoffman's gonna change it all. The way the world treats us. It's not all about the violence and terrorist propaganda that's shown on TV. It's about us, Asher. You, me and lots of others like us who just want a chance at living... surviving.
Appearing in "Drunk, With Powers that could Destroy the World"
Featured Characters:
- Brotherhood
- Orwell
- X (Marvin Hoffman)
- ⏴ Fagin ⏵
- Marshal
- Marabeth (First appearance)
- Mikey Asher (Joins)
Supporting Characters:
- Carl Asher
- Donna Asher (Full name revealed)
- "D&D"/"Domin & Dere"/"the Goth Twins" (Final appearance)
- Harold Silvermane (Full name revealed) (Death)
- Joel (First name revealed) (Death)
- Red Cross staff
- Doctor
- Government Agents
- Red Cross Soldiers (Death)
- Joey
Other Characters:
- Kary
- Principal Cromwell
- Dr. Ross Ludlum
- Mrs. Silvermane (Voice only)
- Unnamed Brotherhood traitor (First appearance; dies)
- Charles Xavier (Mentioned)
- Magneto (Mentioned)
- New York City
- Silvermane family's house
- Lower Manhattan
- Marabeth's flat
- Brooklyn
- Asher home
- Brooklyn Heights High
- Legacy Virus (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Drunk, With Powers that could Destroy the World"
- Synopsis not yet written