Marvel Database



The being that would come to be known as Valkyrie began its life on a distant world manipulated by the Celestials. As part of their method of reproduction, the Celestials imbued Valkyrie's world with an embryo and manipulated the genetics of its inhabitants to grant them the power to defend their world, and thus the embryo within it. Valkyrie and her people eventually reached a point in their mutation where they lost all shape and definition, instead becoming defined by the perceptions of others.[1]

Escaping their world at some point, they made their way to Earth, where they encountered the ancient Norse. The Norse, and in particular one among their number, a storyteller known as Donnerson, shaped Balder and the other Asgardians by believing them to be the gods of their myths come to Earth. Donnerson would merge with two of the Asgardians and assume the role of Odin.[1]

Valkyrie's subsequent life largely mirrors that of her Earth-616 counterpart.


After the mutation of humanity, and shortly before the coming of the Final Host of Celestials, the trickster Loki learned the truth about the gods of Asgard. Realizing his existence had been a lie, he travelled to Asgard to ask Odin and his people for aid in stopping the Celestials from destroying Earth. The Asgardians dismissed the story as another of Loki's lies.[2]

After the defeat of the Celestials, Loki continued in his quest to free his people from Odin's stories. He eventually managed to convince Thor, and the two set about undermining faith in Odin's story. They accompanied Dr. Strange and Xen to Asgard to free Clea who had been Odin's prisoner for some years. Thor agreed to take Clea's place in Hel, and managed to convince the dead that they were free to leave and return to Asgard.[3]

Using the imagery of Ragnarök, Thor, Loki and Surtur conspired to strike the final blow against Odin's control. They finally managed to reveal the truth to the Asgardians, who rebelled against Odin's control, cut down the Yggdrasill, and left the powerless Odin floating in space. While Valkyrie and her people returned to their original forms, they soon returned to Odin of their own volition, wishing to act out his stories once again.[4]



Brunnhilde is a member of an unknown alien race which has been manipulated by the Celestials. The natural evolution of any species created by the Celestials are three fold and happen over centuries of evolution: The first is an original mutation, based on some subconscious level by the individual, the second is that all members of that race have the same power, the third is a power that the beings lose all self definition and their appearance and abilities are at the whim of others' belief in them.

Brunnhilde's evolution was such that it was at the third tier of mutation, as such her abilities and powers likely mirrored that of her Earth-616 counterpart, because that is what Odin believed her abilities should be. Further, this was reinforced by the belief of her fellow Asgardians and the population of Earth.

See Also

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