Marvel Database

John Watkins III (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 29 001
Citizen V
Quote1 This is absurd! You idiot! I want Cable in power--why are we still hitting each other? Quote2
John Watkins III (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 29 001
Citizen V
Quote1 Well? Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 I don't know how to answer you! Quote2
John Watkins III (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 29 001
Citizen V
Quote1 So you just keep fighting? Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 I was hoping you'd forget you asked the question! Quote2
John Watkins III (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 29 001
Citizen V
Quote1 Enough, then. I'm done. Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 Hah! Gotcha then! I win. Okay. What did I just win? Quote2

Appearing in "The Domino Principle, Part 2 of 2: The Politics of Fear"

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Synopsis for "The Domino Principle, Part 2 of 2: The Politics of Fear"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

There’s a new president in charge of Rumekistan and he has a blue glowing eye and a buncha metal on his arm... but he also has a gun to his head. Will DOMINO pull the trigger?

Meanwhile, DEADPOOL finds out that the man who jeopardized the country to begin with is still involved in Rumeki politics... it’s DP vs. CV as CITIZEN V, the spy with style, goes up against the Merc With a Mouth!


Legacy Numbering[]

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