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Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

"The shield isn't what you think. It's not your symbol. It's theirs."

The shield is one of the most iconic images in the world. It stands for hope, justice and the protection of the innocent. It also holds a secret, undiscovered until now, that will change the way Steve Rogers views the 20th century…and how he chooses to fight in the 21st.

Nothing is what it appears in this game-changing Captain America run by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (KANG THE CONQUEROR) and Stormbreaker Carmen Carnero (MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN, CAPTAIN MARVEL, STAR).


  • In the final page, under the cover for the next issue, there's a code that reads "DWT TNJ SWTJF FDGM JGG DJ SWTRPGAJK". It means "But the Outer Ring can be outplayed", foreshadowing Steve and Bucky's actions against the Outer Circle.
  • The second printing cover of this issue features two codes, "JPJVJP WSFD JFGJODGM TNJ JSKJ DWT G LSFJJK PSJO JGG AGCPSJO JGG AGC" and "JNGVJ ASW LKWGK TNJ OJA AJT". They mean "Clever work cracking the code but a forced lock can jamlock can jam." and "Chave you found the key yet?".
    • Both codes present typographical errors. Issue #11 provides the official translation for them as "Clever work cracking the code but a forced lock can jam" and "Have you found the key yet?". The "Typo Versions" are acknowledged here to preserve how they were originally published and to not create discrepancies between the codes and their translations.

See Also

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