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American Dog! I've hated you for years!

Appearing in "Bucky Reborn!"

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Synopsis for "Bucky Reborn!"

The Hood decides that the best way to defeat Captain America is to use Bucky against him. He visits gyms until he finds an athlete that can pass for Bucky. He gets lucky and finds one that is a dead ringer for Bucky, and has amnesia, so might actually be Bucky. When Cap busts in on him brainwashing the athlete, the Hood reveals himself to be Baron Strucker and manages to overpower Cap using "Bucky" as a distraction. Before Strucker can kill Cap, "Bucky" snaps out of his trance, overpowers Strucker, and frees Cap.

Solicit Synopsis

The title tells it all - "Bucky Reborn!" - or does it? It doesn't even mention the last villain you ever expected to see!


Continuity Notes[]

Publication Notes[]

  • This issue features a letters page, Let's Rap With Cap. Letters are published from William Sweeney, Bruce Coville, Raymond Bergmeier, Fez Toi, and Nils Osmar.
  • This issue also features an advertisement for Daredevil #69.
  • As seen on page 1, this issue is Story Vol. 1 381Z.

See Also

Links and References

