“Keep goin' Cap! I'm right behind ya!”
Appearing in "They Call Him -- Stone-Face!"
Featured Characters:
- Stone-Face (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Sarah Wilson-Casper (Sam Wilson's sister)
- Jody Casper (Sam Wilson's nephew)
Synopsis for "They Call Him -- Stone-Face!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Meet Stone-Face, the scourge of the city! And fasten your seatbelt as the fighting-mad Falcon battles for his terrible vengeance!
- Cover art: modifications by Romita, inks and colours by Severin.
- Falcon (Sam Wilson) officially becomes Captain America's partner and co-star of this title this issue. The series will now be titled: Captain America and the Falcon until issue Vol 1 222.
- Captain America appears briefly in Avengers #85 and Sub-Mariner #35, then Captain America, Falcon, and Redwing help the Avengers fight Psyklop in Avengers #88 and Incredible Hulk #140 and then help the Avengers and Iron Man fight the White Dragon's troops in Iron Man #39 shortly after this story.
- This issue features a letters page, Let's Rap With Cap. Letters are published from Stephen Shaffer and Mark Cole.
- As seen on page one, this issue is Story #449-Z.
See Also
Links and References
- http://cmro.travis-starnes.com/detail.php?idvalue=911#sthash.hcGFMHub.dpuf
- The Grand Comics Database Captain America Vol 1 134 [1]