Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Nick, shake hands with the Falcon -- my new partner.

Appearing in "More Monster Than Man!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Julia
  • PFC Adams
  • Prince (First appearance)



Synopsis for "More Monster Than Man!"

According to Travis Starnes' website, it states, "Captain America introduces the Falcon to S.H.I.E.L.D and the new acquaintances arrange an exhibition sparring match in the combat room. When a scientist feels belittled and that only physical attributes matter, he turns himself into a more powerful being using the blood of an ape." - See more at:


  • Beginning this issue, Falcon (Sam Wilson) becomes the co-star of this title. He will remain so until Captain America #222.
  • This issue features a letters page, Let's Rap With Cap. Letters are published from Guy Lillian Roger W. Norris, Steve Demeo, and Tony McDonald.
  • This issue also features advertisments for the crossover event in Iron Man #35 and Daredevil #73.

See Also

Links and References

  • The Grand Comics Database: Captain America Vol 1 135 [1]

