Appearing in "Super-Patriot Is Here"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Super-Patriot ⏵ (First appearance)
- Jasper Sitwell
- ⏴ Black Knight (Dane Whitman) ⏵
- ⏴ Hercules (Heracles) ⏵
- Bernie Rosenthal
- Edwin Jarvis
- BUCkies (First appearance)
- Unnamed Buckies leader (First appearance)
- Unnamed Buckies member (First appearance)
- Unnamed Buckies member (First appearance)
- Vladimir Korda (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Ethan Thurm
- AIMs (Mentioned)
- Geronimo (Mentioned)
- Paul
- Candy
- Michele March
- Sky-Cycle
- S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft
Synopsis for "Super-Patriot Is Here"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Over the last few issues, Captain America's faith in the American dream suffered its greatest blow— he'd been forced to take a life! Can Cap's faith be renewed after what he has just experienced? Introducing the incredible Super Patriot!
- Super-Patriot would later take on the identity of Captain America and eventually becomes US Agent.
- The three unnamed members of the Buckies would eventually become Battlestar, Right-Winger and Left-Winger.
- This issue contains a letters page, American Graffiti. Letters are published from Scott Ridgers, Vic Mordoh, Matt O'Grady, Richard Watson, Howard T. Kidd, Andrew Bell and Andy Rodriguez.
- New Cap Editor Don Daley begins this issue replacing Michael Carlin.
- Marvel 25th Anniversary cover.