Marvel Database

Quote1 I'm reluctant to involve any of my teammates unless absolutely necessary. Quote2
Captain America

Appearing in "City of Wolves"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "City of Wolves"

Captain America battles Moonhunter, but fails to rescue Ferocia. Hiding, Wolverine watches Moonhunter bring Ferocia to Dr. Nightshade, who's creating a wolf serum from the Werewolf, Jack Russell. Meanwhile, Dr. Kincaid gives Dennis another check-up and tells Jarvis Dennis is suffering from selective amnesia. Cap returns to Dr. Druid and they continue the search for John. Nightshade reports to Dredmund, who reveals he has the reconstituted moonstone. He deduces the moonstone may be drawing werewolves to Starkesboro. Wolverine battles werewolf townsfolk until Moonhunter takes him down with three shotgun blasts. Cap and Dr. Druid arrive in Starkesboro only to be surrounded by werewolves.

Appearing in "Taken to Task"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Taken to Task"

Rachel has a dream about her first day at Taskmaster's academy. She recognizes one of the trainers, Brock Rumlow, as the man who killed her brother. She sneaks back to the locker room to hide from him, and defends herself against another trainer, Blanche. She awakens from the dream still imprisoned by Crossbones.

Solicit Synopsis

The Man & the Wolf: Part 2 (of 6)

Wolverine guest-stars in the second chapter of this bi-weekly storyline!


  • This issue contains a letters page American Graffiti. Letters are published from: Mike Norton, Matt Moring, Heather Engelberth, Jackie Rae Hannigan, and Michael J. Barr.

See Also

Links and References

