Marvel Database

Quote1 Captain, your friend Druid is in great danger. Quote2

Appearing in "Leader of the Pack"

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Synopsis for "Leader of the Pack"

Dr. Nightshade leads Capwolf into the Wolf Pit where he finally finds John Jameson in his Man-Wolf form. The two fight for dominance; when Cap wins, he gains the other werewolves' respect. Meanwhile, Dredmund prepares the captive Dr. Druid for a ceremony. Wolfsbane, lured to Starkesboro by the moonstone, teaches Capwolf to talk in his new form.

Elsewhere, Shatterstar tells Cable that Feral has gone missing.

Capwolf rallies the werewolves and they escape through teamwork.

Meanwhile, Bernie continues to search for Dennis.

Passing a captive Wolverine, Capwolf and the werewolves run into Moonhunter and Nightshade, capturing them both. Nightshade tells Capwolf that Dredmund is performing a ceremony to solidify his power, but Capwolf arrives too late to stop Dredmund from slashing Dr. Druid's throat onto the moonstone. Dredmund places the bloodsoaked moonstone on his own throat, empowering him.

Appearing in "Fight on Skull Mountain"

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Synopsis for "Fight on Skull Mountain"

Crossbones and Diamondback battle the Skeleton Crew along the mountainside. After reaching the top, they are subdued by armed guards. Cutthroat recognizes Diamondback is his baby sister.


  • This issue contains a letters page, American Graffiti. Letters are published from: Joey Marchise, Evan Long, Joe Kucharski III, and Scott B. Shearer.

See Also

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