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Quote1 When Captain America died Americans heard it in an American way: through the media. When Captain Britain died the British felt it in their chests. Quote2
Faiza Hussain

Appearing in "The Guns of Avalon (Part 2)"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Guns of Avalon (Part 2)"

Britain felt Captain Britain's death, as the Skrulls had closed all entrances to Avalon except on their spacecraft. As Faiza Hussain thought that she was dead, she dreamed of Excalibur before waking up and realizing that she had superpowers, as she unintentionally used them on Black Knight.

Spitfire, John, and Pete also felt Captain Britain's death and needed a way to get into Otherworld after the Skrulls destroyed the Siege Perilous. Pete cited the treaty with the fairies and summoned Tink, who took them to Avalon, where MI13 joined its inhabitants in fighting the Skrull attackers. As Black Knight fought Skrulls, Faiza used her newfound powers to defeat their remaining attackers. As Oberon closed Avalon's doors to other universes, Oberon declared that Otherworld had fallen and that the heroes had broken their treaty. Pete Wisdom claimed that he was hearing a voice in his head and Oberon revealed that it was the Mad One, who was confined by the High Evolutionaries of all the worlds in the Dark Realms. When Pete offered to help, Oberon pointed them to a cave with a sword before the fairy went to lead an army.

When MI13 reached the cave, they found Excalibur. Pete and John both attempted to remove the sword from the stone, although neither were worthy. Then, some Skrulls appeared behind them while other Skrulls killed the Lady of the Lake and the Green Knight before entering the Green Chapel, acquired the Amulet of Right, Sword of Might, the Grail, and other artifacts before placing them all in a converter, allowing them to possess "all magic."

Solicit Synopsis

The Skrulls are winning in England. Their mysterious goal there could turn the tide of the invasion. The emergence of the fabled sword Excalibur (once again locked in stone) may lead to salvation. But who can claim the mythic weapon? Pete Wisdom? Spitfire? John the Skrull? The Black Knight? And what is the fate of Captain Britain?

See Also

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