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Quote1 Wait, Captain Marvel! I must speak to you! You don't just save a woman from a living nightmare... and walk away...! Quote2
Carol Danvers

Appearing in "Between Hammer and Anvil!"

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Synopsis for "Between Hammer and Anvil!"

Continued from last issue... While out in his Captain Marvel guise, Mar-Vell is attacked by an Aakon attack party. After a brief battle with the Aakon, Mar-Vell manages to escape. Meanwhile, at the hotel where Mar-Vell stays as "Walter Lawson", Carol Danvers convinces Mr. Logan to admit her into "Lawson's" room. However, before she can find anything of value, the repaired Cyberex appears and takes Carol hostage, taking her back to Lawson's lab.

When Mar-Vell arrives as "Lawson" he learns about Carol's kidnap and goes after Cyberex and tracks the robot back to Lawson's lab. There Mar-Vell has his hands full when the Aakon attack party also arrives. However, when Mar-Vell realizes that the Cyberex is attracted to Lawson's scent on his note book, Mar-Vell writes a Kree code number on the cover of the book, and leaves it for the Aakon to get a hold of. When the Aakon think it's a coded Kree plan, they become targets of Cyberex who kills them to get a hold of the source of Lawson's scent. Mar-Vell then manages to destroy Cyberex once and for all with his Uni-Beam to smash open the robot's housing and break its repair mechanism.

After Mar-Vell's victory, he collects Lawson's notebook, and when Carol shows gratitude for rescuing her, this fuels Una's fears that she is losing Mar-Vell to an Earth woman.


  • This issue contains a letters page, Mail It To Mar-Vell. Letters are published from John Shannonhouse, Lane Maltbo, Dennis Myers, Stephen Shaffer, Kent Craig, Kevin Morse, Cal Kinzer and David Parsons.

See Also

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