Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Abner Jenkins (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Years from now, school children will be taught to remember this date! For it marks the birth of... the supremely powerful beetle! Quote2
Strange Tales Vol 1 123
Quote1 I'm looking out for NUMBER ONE ... and no one else! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 109
Quote1 I feel so stupid--! I'm supposed to be the leader... in control! Quote2
Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Vol 1 2
Quote1 I deserve better! I've been around-- accomplished plenty. Gone toe-to-toe with Spider-Man, Iron Man... had millions... lost millions... I've got to stop thinking small. Stop taking on these "henchmen" gigs. Time to network... Quote2
Lethal Foes of Spider-Man Vol 1 2
Quote1 "Dear Songbird: you're so beautiful, you make my knees weak. Could I have your autograph -- or maybe buy you a dinner?" Sorry, pal, but she's taken! Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 6
Quote1 Oh, get real, will you? I've got all the weaponry of a fighter plane - and then some. You're a big ribbon. Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 1 16
Quote1 Uhm -- I -- I want to do for others -- -- what was done for me. I want to offer men and women who've made mistakes the same chance... the same hope I got. I guess that means... ... I'm starting up the Thunderbolts again! Quote2
Avengers/Thunderbolts Vol 1 6
Quote1 I know I sort of put it together on the fly, and some of them don't quite get it yet, but, Mel--I need you-- --I can't make it right without you! Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 7
Quote1 We're going to need a lot more......if we plan to take on the T-bolts! Quote2
New Thunderbolts Vol 1 15
Quote1 Look, when all this started, way back when I was the Beetle, I just wanted to get what I deserved... money, prestige, something more than minimum wage and a dead-end life! Then along came the Thunderbolts and I realized that something more could also be something good. I went to jail, served my time, sacrificed so much to do the right thing... but now I could lose it all again! I don't know if I can handle that... Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 3 4
Quote1 Oh, get real, would you? I've got all the weaponry of a fighter plane - and then some. You're a big ribbon. Quote2
Abner Jenkins (Earth-616)
New Avengers Vol 4 13 Textless
Quote1 I have to admit. That went better than I expected. From what little I'd heard through S.H.I.E.L.D reports, Bucky and his super criminal terrorist cell were causing havoc all over the place. Quote2
Abner Jenkins (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 3 4 001
Quote1 Nope. Just saving the world. Quote2
Thunderbolts Vol 3 9

All items (12)
