Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Amora (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 How you must hate the mighty thunder god, Loki! I know 'twas you who gave this plan to Odin! But no matter...I shall carry out this mission...for long have I wished to conquer the heart of handsome Thor! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 103
Quote1 All is in readiness! With the aid of my enchanting might -- the men of Asgard will stand helpless before the troll hordes! Thus, let the onslaught begin! Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 102
Quote1 You, Medusa -- with the living tresses of incomparable power -- you are the greatest slave of all! Your precious Black Bolt does not even speak -- yet you hang upon his every non-syllable! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 83
Quote1 You have heard my words, Lorelei -- and know their true meaning! Heed them or not -- the tapestry of your life is yours to weave as you wish! You have only yourself to fail...and I'll shed no tears for you! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 383
Quote1 I have detected no loss of strength, Thor. Nor of stamina. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 494
Quote1 I would have made them beat themselves with chains and gash themselves with copper knives in gratitude! Which explains why that Avengers membership for me has always been so elusive. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 495
Quote1 You wished to transform the flesh and -- ascend! Well, divinity comes at a price. Behold the birth of a god...! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 2 14
Quote1 All the power you desire is inside you. Just let it out... and smash all those you hate. Quote2
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 5
Quote1 Aw, are we feeling sorry for ourselves, young man? You act like you don't know that your mother is the Enchantress logo. Quote2
Strange Academy Vol 1 10
Quote1 How you must hate the mighty thunder god, Loki! I know 'twas you who gave this plan to Odin! But no matter...I shall carry out this mission...for long have I wished to conquer the heart of handsome Thor! Quote2
Amora (Earth-616)
Quote1 The Queen and I be equals in powers -- all that matters is who striketh first. Quote2
Casiolena (Earth-616)
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 5 Textless
Quote1 Now, we need an impressive name for you--! Quote2
Erik Josten (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 3 2 001
Power Man
Quote1 I've got a name! It's Erik Josten! Quote2
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 5 Textless
Quote1 Surely you jest! That is hardly calculated to strike terror to the hearts of the Avengers! We must call you something worthy of your new-found power! Quote2
Erik Josten (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 3 2 001
Power Man
Quote1 Just as long as it isn't anything as childish as Wonder Man! Quote2
Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 5 Textless
Quote1 Of course! That's it! It will be the ideal name! It will make you a worthy successor to Wonder Man! Your name shall be Power Man! Quote2
Erik Josten (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 3 2 001
Power Man
Quote1 Aww, so what! It's corny as all get-out, but who cares? All that matters is that I need fear nothing now! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 21
Black KnightQuote1 Good Lord, Chanty -- She's a powerhouse! Quote2
EnchantressQuote1 Would I create a champion who wasn't? Quote2
Defenders Vol 1 4
Amora (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 7 001
Quote1 I am an Asgardian goddess! I could crush you in my fist like the slug you are! But physical contact with creatures such as you disgusts me! And why should an immortal mistress of sorcery sully her hands? Quote2
Immortal She-Hulk Vol 1 1 She-Hulk Timeless Variant
Quote1 And why should I let a chance like this slip by? I don't often duke it out with someone solid enough to really unload on--and slow enough to let me! Quote2
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1 2
ThorQuote1 Did you ever hate me, Enchantress? Quote2
AmoraQuote1 No. You always did what you felt was right. You angered me, yes, and I was childish in that anger, yes. When young, I probably broke a lot of things I loved in tantrums. I'm flawed. We may be gods, but in all the ways that count, we are very human. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 493

All items (15)
