Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Arcturus Rann (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Jasmine was a Micronaut—for however brief a time—and where we go, she goes! Quote2
Micronauts Vol 1 17
Quote1 I-I must be going mad! Devil and I are being saved from the Soul Survivors-- by a starship fashioned in the image of my dead robid companion Biotron! Quote2
Micronauts Vol 1 48
Quote1 Acroyear –– we have seen the end of war and we have seen the end of home. Can there be anything left –– but beginnings? Quote2
Micronauts Vol 1 59
Quote1 The thing out there may choose the mystery of death, but we’re going to live! Quote2
Micronauts Vol 2 2
Quote1 The Enigma Force is God to me no longer! It is tainted -- corrupted. Quote2
Micronauts Vol 2 10
Quote1 Something is wrong. ... The Enigma Force. I can't find it! Quote2
Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force Vol 1 1
Quote1 Mari, the Enigma Force is the primal structuring power of the Microverse. Through it, all things in our world are given form and substance. Although it has manifested itself as the Time Travelers... It's not the easiest thing to communicate with. I've been trying while we were talking... But all I'm getting is a deadness where there should be peace--and very, very dimly--a roaring pain, a crushed laughter in the midst of deadness. Quote2
Enigma Force (Earth-616)

All items (7)
