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List of all notable quotes by or about Ares (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 You beg me to stand by your side, father? As Olympus crashes at your very feet? You who stole my son -- the only good I've ever done with my entire life -- and then lost him to the enemy! Now you ask me to join you? Quote2
Ares Vol 1 3
Incredible Hercules Vol 1 113
Quote1 If you want someone to obey your orders, you should have sent a soldier...NOT A GOD! Quote2
War Machine Vol 2 3
Quote1 Look around at the terror in their eyes. You taught these cursed mortals to dread the strife in which they revel. Now. 'Til I call on you again...go in champion. Quote2
War Machine Vol 2 5
Quote1 From this moment on, if you choose to act as a child...that is what you will be! And I will spank you like a child. But act as men, as noble men, and that is what you will be treated as. Quote2
Dark Avengers Vol 1 5
Quote1 Recreants and bringers of chaos. You were warned and you did not heed. So weep! Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 226
Quote1 I -- I don't know how to raise him. I don't know how to talk to him. I don't know -- what to talk about. ... My father -- I had to flee his court to find my way. I don't want the boy to run from me so he can find his. But I can see -- if I take him from you now -- I know he will. I don't know what to do. ... Know this. If the boy dies in battle with you... ... That won't stop his grandfather from striking you down and making it his pleasure to watch you burn in the eternal fires of Hades. Quote2
Dark Avengers Vol 1 9
Quote1 The chain of command. Rules of engagement. This Geneva Convention thing. Medical evac. Supply lines. The white flag. The Red Cross. Worrying about evacuees and refugees. Taking prisoners. Losing the battle but winning the war. Cursed diplomats. The proper standard of grooming. Sensible things like having enough bullets before you go into battle. That's the dung my sister cares about. I'm the other God of War. Quote2
Dark Avengers: Ares Vol 1 1
Quote1 I just thought you should know...that if anyone here...dares to interfere with true justice...including you my champion...I'll personally send you -- and all your sons and daughters -- straight down to uncle Pluto's dark domain. Quote2
War Machine Vol 2 11
Quote1 Sentry, I expected more of you... I thought us friends. My mistake. Quote2
Siege Vol 1 2
Quote1 Men call me Ares... and tremble when they do. But these mockeries of life... they shall call me... NOTHING! Quote2
Savage Axe of Ares Vol 1 1
Quote1 I thought I knew what hell was for a god of war. Now I fight for my enemy in a battle I am certain to win, with a victory that means utter defeat for us all. I am the general of a war that serves only chaos. And now I understand hell itself. Quote2
Chaos War: Ares Vol 1 1
Quote1 ...I hate parallel universes. Quote2
Contest of Champions Vol 1 9
Quote1 To go against one's nature is to make war against oneself. And that is the one war I vow never again to wage. Frank Castle... who was long my most faithful of disciples, whether he knew it or not, is waging such a war as we speak. As evidenced by him sending masked men with swords to do the work of a Punisher. Something has withered within him. Perhaps he dreams of leaving behind the great bloody vineyards that gave him life. Of turning his back on eternal battle. But I am Ares, and I speak for that which cannot speak for itself. I speak for war. And war says nay. Quote2
Punisher Vol 13 4
Quote1 The chain of command. Rules of engagement. This Geneva Convention thing. Medical evac. Supply lines. The white flag. The Red Cross. Worrying about evacuees and refugees. Taking prisoners. Losing the battle but winning the war. Cursed diplomats. The proper standard of grooming. Sensible things like having enough bullets before you go into battle. That's the dung my sister cares about. I'm the other God of War. Quote2
Ares (Earth-616)
Quote1 The chain of command. Rules of engagement. This Geneva Convention thing. Medical evac. Supply lines. The white flag. The Red Cross. Worrying about evacuees and refugees. Taking prisoners. Losing the battle but winning the war. Cursed diplomats. The proper standard of grooming. Sensible things like having enough bullets before you go into battle. That's the dung my sister cares about. Quote2
Athena Parthenos (Earth-616)
Quote1 It's Morgana le Fay. Dark sorceress from another time. Quote2
Morgan Le Fay (Earth-616)
ThorQuote1 But, there'll be no more bloodshed here this night. Not whilst Thor hath the power to prevent it. Quote2
AresQuote1 Ah, but thou hast not that power, thunder god... nor ever truly did! Quote2
ThorQuote1 What--? You! Ares... the Grecian god of war! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 98
Chaos War Ares Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 The Mares of Diomedes. Quote2
Arkady Markov (Earth-616) from Dark Avengers Ares Vol 1 1 001
Quote1 You have horses for kids? Quote2
Chaos War Ares Vol 1 1 Textless
Quote1 It is different for gods. Quote2
Dark Avengers: Ares Vol 1 2

All items (19)
