List of all notable quotes by or about Arthur Parks (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
You might say I am returning a favor, Iron Man. The gift I bring is death. And it is only fair that I should be the one to bring it to you... since it was you who killed me!
Icemaster | Hey! Wait for me! |
Living Laser | Maybe if you hadn't eaten all the fruit pies we boosted from the gas station... |
Icemaster | Hey! Wait for me! |
Living Laser | Maybe if you hadn't eaten all the fruit pies we boosted from the gas station... |
Living Laser | I did it. I did it, it worked, and I did it. |
Ezekiel Stane | Heard you the first time. Upload your data from the internal scan of Stark's mechabiology to my desk imediately... |
Living Laser | That's it? No "thanks"? No "great job"? |
Ezekiel Stane | If you'd have screwed up, I'd have killed you remotely. Than he would've killed me remotely. So-- so way to not get us both killed remotely. You pretentious, needy, ass. |
Living Laser | You-- wait... |
Ezekiel Stane | You, me, all of us. Some bosses make you carry employee I.D. cards? The Mandarin turned us all into suicide bombs. |
Living Laser | Oh, God... |
Ezekiel Stane | Pray all you want, Parks. God won't help us now. |
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