Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Barbara Morse (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 This isn't a catfight. It's me kicking your ass. Quote2
New Avengers: The Reunion Vol 1 4
Quote1 Sorry, guys... I tried. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 1 56
Quote1 Avengers Assemble! As in get your asses up and let's go! Quote2
New Avengers Vol 1 57
Quote1 Capitalist saboteur! Die for the happiness of the people! Quote2
Black Widow: Deadly Origin Vol 1 2
Quote1 There you are! Come to momma, you ******* evil jar! Quote2
Hawkeye & Mockingbird Vol 1 4
Quote1 I'm not your victim! Not anymore. Quote2
Hawkeye & Mockingbird Vol 1 5
Quote1 I spent three years of my life with your kind. Imprisoned. Beaten. On the run. You can never trick me again. No matter whose face you have. I'll kill you every time. Quote2
Hawkeye & Mockingbird Vol 1 6
Quote1 Excuse me, we were in the middle of a heroic gesture on behalf of mankind. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 2 9
Quote1 Avengers Tower falling was one of the sobering moments of my life. I've seen a lot of stuff in my day, but that was -- I was instantly pulled out of myself. So ashamed that I was enjoying the battle. But I wasn't enjoying the battle. I was enjoying that I was alive. I had cheated death one more time and I had -- it was an all-new me. I was a super-soldier (of a sort) and I wanted to live up to it. But now I knew, once the Tower fell, I knew I was being given this second chance for a reason. I was going to do what a super-soldier does. I was going to turn the battle around. I was going to take it right to the Red Skull's doorstep and I was going to put my fist right through her skull. I knew why I was given a second I could kill the Red Skull. Quote2
New Avengers Vol 2 14
Quote1 Back off, Clint-- I'm a scientist. Quote2
Secret Avengers Vol 2 3
Quote1 Can't seem to get the Fact Channel to believe you've broke bad. Quote2
Silk Vol 2 1
Quote1 Do you tell your doctor everything? Quote2
Mockingbird Vol 1 1
Quote1 When I was a kid, I did everything I could to get super-powers. I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to be Captain America. Sometimes I fall short. Quote2
Mockingbird Vol 1 3
Quote1 The Diamond Porpoise was a giant, sparkly Bobbi-trap. And I walked right into it. Quote2
Mockingbird Vol 1 7
Quote1 Listen, Karl. Can I call you Karl? You're gonna need to start making sense. Quote2
Secret Empire: Underground Vol 1 1
Quote1 For future reference, this is exactly what it's like to be married to Clint. Quote2
Unstoppable Wasp Vol 2 3
Quote1 Well, I don't know if anyone can keep up with all this crazy #$@%... but I'm intrigued enough to give it a shot. Quote2
Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda Vol 1 4
Quote1 Well, well, turns out you got a heart in there after all, Johnny. Quote2
2020 Force Works Vol 1 3
Quote1 Avengers Assemble! As in get your asses up and let's go! Quote2
Barbara Morse (Earth-616)
Barbara Morse (Earth-616) from West Coast Avengers Vol 2 12 0001
Quote1 By the way, I'm called the Mockingbird! Thanks for helping me out back there! Quote2
Spider-ManQuote1 Can...uh...can we chat later? The car is out of control! Quote2
Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 95
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 1.6 Textless
Quote1 Here! I'll save you the trouble. I'm interfering! Big-time! Quote2
Barbara Morse (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 4 001
Quote1 Good one, Webs. Give up the element of surprise. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 1.6 Textless
Quote1 I didn't -- Quote2
Anna Maria Marconi (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 5 001
Anna Maria Marconi
Quote1 You kinda did. Quote2
Otto Octavius (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 1 001
Living Brain
Quote1 I concur. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 1.6 Textless
Quote1 Oy. It's called making an entrance. See? This is why I work alone. Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 11
Mockingbird Vol 1 3 Torque Variant Textless
Quote1 This is bad. Quote2
Thanos Vol 2 6 ResurrXion Variant Textless
Quote1 Which part? Quote2
Jonathan Walker (Earth-616) from Captain America Sam Wilson Vol 1 11 001
U.S. Agent
Quote1 It's not all bad. We don't have Rhodes acting all superior and barking orders in our ears. Quote2
Jonathan Walker (Earth-616) from Captain America Sam Wilson Vol 1 11 001
U.S. Agent
Quote1 ...yeah, yeah. That was a bit much, even for me. Quote2
2020 Force Works Vol 1 2

All items (23)
