Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Bella Donna Boudreaux (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 The Unified Guild of New Orleans stands prepared to protect our patriarch -- to the death, if necessary... yours, of course. Quote2
Gambit Vol 3 22
Quote1 That's Remy LeBeau. Gambit. My ex-husband. Quote2
Gambit Vol 4 10
Quote1 I want him dead! I want him to know that it was the Guild that ended him! Above all -- I want him to suffer! And... just because he's pissed me off... anyone associated with Wade Wilson dies, too... starting with his handler and the traitor, Threnody. Quote2
Deadpool: Assassin Vol 1 4
Jubilation Lee (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 2 7 001
Quote1 Ya' mean somebody was actually desperate enough to become -- Mrs. Gambit?! Quote2
Bella Donna Boudreaux (Earth-616) from All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 2 0001
Bella Donna Boudreaux
Quote1 Desp'rate?! Y'Don't even know the half of it, chile! An' de name is Bella Donna Boudreaux. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 8

All items (4)
