Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Benjamin Urich (Earth-199999).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 'You get what you deserve.' It's an old saying. One that has survived the years, because it's true. For the most part. But not for everyone. Some get more than they deserve. Because they believe they aren't like everyone else. Quote2
Benjamin Urich (Earth-199999)
Quote1 My experience... There are no heroes, no villains. Just people with different agendas. Quote2
Marvel's Daredevil Season 1 7
Karen Page (Earth-199999) from Marvel's Daredevil poster 005
Karen Page
Quote1 I read your article. Quote2
Benjamin Urich (Earth-199999) from Marvel's Daredevil Season 1 3 001
Ben Urich
Quote1 About the subway line? Quote2
Karen Page (Earth-199999) from Marvel's Daredevil poster 005
Karen Page
Quote1 About Union Allied Construction. I, um... I think there's more to the story... If you're interested. Quote2
Marvel's Daredevil Season 1 3

All items (3)
