This is our collection of all known Novels published by Berkley Boulevard Books
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- X-Men: Mutant Empire Book One: Siege
- X-Men: Mutant Empire Book Two: Sanctuary
- X-Men: Mutant Empire Book Three: Salvation
- Fantastic Four: Redemption of the Silver Surfer
- X-Men: The Jewels of Cyttorak
- Fantastic Four: Countdown To Chaos
- X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 1: The Past
- X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 2: The Present
- X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 3: The Future
- Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six
- Daredevil: The Cutting Edge
- Spider-Man: Goblin Moon
- Spider-Man: Emerald Mystery
- Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six
- Spider-Man: The Secret of the Sinister Six