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List of all notable quotes by or about Beta Ray Bill (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I... I have the power! The stick was the hammer! And now I... I can feel the power of the demon himself added to my own! Power enough to shake this planet to its foundation! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 337
Quote1 Lord Odin, your son yet lives. The finest foe I have ever fought, but I have bested him. The mine! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 338
Quote1 I...I feel nothing -- hold! I have it! The weight is enormous! But it grows lighter even as I pull it from the fire! The power! It flows into me! I...I'm changing! The enchantment is mine once more! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 339
Quote1 Harm a friend and comrade of mine, and suffer the consequences! So swears Beta Ray Bill! Quote2
Thor Vol 2 30
Quote1 I am oathbrother to Thor, the God of Thunder! I carry Stormbreaker, a weapon of great power, blessed by Odin, the All-Father! Quote2
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill Vol 1 2
Quote1 Does that impress you, cosmic slave? Now I'll teach you about hope. Quote2
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill Vol 1 3
Quote1 I loathe to deal with you, murderer, but it seems I have no choice. Once we have dealt with this monster I will give you no quarter. There will never be peace between us. Quote2
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill Vol 1 4
Quote1 No amount of sorrow would be enough... for what I've seen... for what I've lost. I shall end my mourning now. I will remain strong. Quote2
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill Vol 1 5
Quote1 If there is nothing but what we make in this world, brothers...let us make good. Quote2
Secret Invasion Aftermath: Beta Ray Bill - The Green of Eden Vol 1 1
Quote1 Tell your master this: Any world which I cannot defend, I will destroy. No matter where he runs, he will find naught but dust to sustain him. He will sicken. He will waste away. His hunger threatened the universe. Now, his hunger threatens him. GALACTUS WILL STARVE! Quote2
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter Vol 1 1
Quote1 Why would I go anywhere? I'm home. Quote2
Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter Vol 1 3
Quote1 I shall end this corrupt Nova, and let Stormbreaker be my interrogator! Quote2
Nova Vol 5 12
Quote1 Is your super-power to always have bad information? Quote2
Nova Vol 5 15
Quote1 You're right. I cannot... cannot defeat you. But I don't need to. I just need to send you back from whence you came. Even if it costs me my true power. Quote2
Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill Vol 1 1
Quote1 I'm going to make myself beautiful again. Quote2
Beta Ray Bill Vol 1 1
Quote1 I may not be a native son of the realm eternal, but the power in my hammer comes from Odin himself. So Beta Ray Bill fights for Asgard! On this day and all the tomorrows! Quote2
Beta Ray Bill (Earth-616)
Beta Ray BillQuote1 Thank you for teaching me what Thanksgiving is all about! Quote2
Franklin Richards (Earth-616)Quote1 Yeah! I'm thankful we didn't get killed Quote2
Power Pack Vol 1 19
Beta Ray BillQuote1 Listen, Sam. I can see you're upset to learn you helped a true villain, but I have no more time to spend on Earth. I came to see your role in this misadventure was, now I must find Skaarn, and save my people before any further harm comes to them. Quote2
Nova (Sam Alexander)Quote1 I want to come help. I need to help. Quote2
Nova Vol 5 13.NOW

All items (19)
