List of all known comic(s) that Bettie Breitweiser colored.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Bettie Breitweiser" into "Colorist" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Bettie Breitweiser" into "Colorist" field of said article.)
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All items (33)
- Captain America Vol 1 618
- Captain America and Bucky Vol 1 620
- Hulk Vol 2 38
- Hulk Vol 2 39
- Ultimate Fallout Vol 1 6
- Captain America and Bucky Vol 1 621
- Hulk Vol 2 40
- Wolverine: Debt of Death Vol 1 1
- Hulk Vol 2 41
- Captain America and Bucky Vol 1 622
- Captain America and Bucky Vol 1 623
- Fear Itself Vol 1 7.1
- Captain America and Bucky Vol 1 624
- Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 632
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 1
- Secret Avengers Vol 1 22
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 2
- Secret Avengers Vol 1 23
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 3
- Secret Avengers Vol 1 24
- Secret Avengers Vol 1 25
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 4
- Defenders Vol 4 5
- Secret Avengers Vol 1 26
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 5
- Secret Avengers Vol 1 27
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 6
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 7
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 8
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 9
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 10
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 11
- Winter Soldier Vol 1 12