Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Bruce Banner (Earth-69413).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I did it. I did it! I am the new ruler of the world. I am the new God! Everyone... Bow down to me! Quote2
Future Imperfect Vol 1 5
Quote1 Oh, don't worry about me, Collector... I like to pick winners. Quote2
All-New, All-Different Point One Vol 1 1
Quote1 Wrong! Your desire is small and petty -- the hoarder's need for junk, piled in disused rooms! All you want is another trinket -- another keepsake, a cosmic figurine for your mantel -- and I! Want! EVERYTHING! By right of conquest -- by right of raw will -- THE ISO-SPHERE BELONGS TO ME! Quote2
Contest of Champions Vol 1 6
Quote1 The question is, which alternate world do I steal my new followers from? Quote2
Contest of Champions Vol 1 7
Quote1 Something's -- distracting them -- some kind of... mind control? Is that it? Well, with the ISO-Sphere, I can play that game, too... and the Maestro always wins! Let's see what's got you weird little critters so riled up, shall we? Open wide, little fellow... the doctor is in. Quote2
Contest of Champions Vol 1 8
Quote1 Come on, contestants! Fight me! And when I've crushed you -- I'll gather the super-champions of thousand, thousand worlds -- and I'll do it all over again! And again! And again! Quote2
Contest of Champions Vol 1 10
Quote1 I did it. I did it! I am the new ruler of the world. I am the new God! Everyone... BOW DOWN TO ME! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-69413)
Quote1 I would very much like to see that. Truly. Try to destroy me. Succeed if you can. Do you think I enjoy the life I lead? Dealing with the idiots of this city every day. Rending decisions on various disputes. Working with farmers to keep everyone feed on land that has no interest in growing food. Do you not believe that, if I could improve matters, I wouldn't? That I would not happily turn power over to you and walk away into the--HAAAHAHAAHAHHHAAAA Apologies. I almost got through that with a straight face. Quote2
Dystopia (Battleworld)
Future Imperfect Vol 1 1 Ant-Sized Variant (Back Cover)
Quote1 You want me out of Dystopia and I want to get out. Quote2
Thaddeus Ross (Earth-69413) from Future Imperfect Vol 1 1 001
The Thing
Quote1 Yeah? And where would you go? Quote2
Future Imperfect Vol 1 1 Ant-Sized Variant (Back Cover)
Quote1 The Palace of Doom. I want to kill him and take over. Care to help? Quote2
Thaddeus Ross (Earth-69413) from Future Imperfect Vol 1 1 001
The Thing
Quote1 Tell me more. Quote2
Future Imperfect Vol 1 2

All items (9)
