List of all notable quotes by or about Charles Xavier (Earth-616).
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The greatest power on Earth is the magnificent power we all of us possess... the power of the human brain!
You've proven you can think and act for yourselves!! Your training period is over!! Congratulations, my X-Men!!
The X-Men are scarcely children any more! They've each proved themselves a hundred times in deadly combat! It's time they looked like individuals – not products of an assembly line!
I see you haven't read the novel, Bobby -- which I assigned last spring! In it, Victor Frankenstein pursued his grotesque creation into the Arctic regions! And there -- near the top of the world -- he died!
Each microsecond you delay the invasion will be invaluable! I need not stress the importance of your mission! There is nothing left to say but goodbye...and Godspeed! Now go -- quickly!
I will take him with me, Mr. Grimm. Given time -- and luck -- I believe I can help him cure the madness and teach him to cope with his power. Yes... given time...
It's obvious that this fair has too much to see in just one day! We'll have to return tomorrow starting at the Cotton Bowl!
My back is shattered, a parting gift from the Shadow King... it appears if I am ever to achieve my dream... I will need all of you... to walk me there.
Let us all hope your confidence in me is well founded. Because, my students, I am proud to formally introduce you to Bishop -- the NEWEST X-MAN!
I'm sorry, my students -- I wish I could say it is time to go... that we've done all we can -- but that's not true. While an X-Man lives -- we must strive to save these poor souls from themselves!
Freak. Flatscan. Deadend. Genejoke. Mutie. Words. Powerful words meant to distance... to demean... to destroy the havens of self respect we each carry and nurture within us -- just as surely as they seek to rend the centuries old tapestry we, as a race, have agreed to call civilization. These words carry us away from the light and lead us marching, no -- charging -- into a darkness where prejudice and bigotry reign. Ugly, hateful words as weapons... and words that ultimately fail to achieve their intended purpose. This concert is about embracing our uniqueness -- the color of a man's skin, the choice of whom we love -- the right for your neighbor to pursue his individual religious observance. Isn't it also about learning to respect the person born with a torso fin, cursed with an optic blast, or blessed with the natural powers of telekinesis? Seeing past their differences, humans and mutants share a common unbreakable bond. No amount of words -- of derision, distrust, or disinformation -- can change the truth that each of us... man, woman, black, Hispanic, Jew, Asian, Native American, homosexual, mutant, everyone... underneath all the "words"... we are related. We are all family.
Oppression is no excuse for vengeance -- for murder. I wonder... does the death of innocent people -- cut down on the streets as they flee -- free you? I think not.
Those feelings are what mark Bishop as a great X-Man. They are his true power. His commitment to his what the X-Men represent -- his spirit embodies what my dream is all about. He has chosen his heart over his past. He is, heart and soul, one us us. And few have paid a greater price.
It was a psionic "presence", for lack of a better word -- falling to Earth, entering our atmosphere. Unequivocaly, more powerful than any I've ever felt before...
Siryn, I could protect only one member of the team, so I chose you. You alone are the team's inspiration -- You alone have an unshakeable belief that what they are doing is right.
We have awesome powers, my X-Men. It is our birthright... And, perhaps, our burden. But, as Valerie Said, with that power comes responsibility -- and also accountability. I owe it to the Fantastic Four...the Avengers... To everyone who was injured by Onslaught to go now. It is the right thing to do. It is the best thing to do.
With Hannah Connover lies the possibility of understanding the Brood better. Perhaps of even changing them. She is literally an embodiment of hope. In that, she represents part of my dream -- part of the very reason I formed you, my X-Men.
Even so, X-Men... he managed to achieve a remarkably accurate forgery of Wolverine. Both physically and psychologically, for quite some time. The implications are staggering, to say the least.
They've merged! Physically, Cyclops and Apocalypse have become one! And as for Scott's spirit, his very soul -- I can sense nothing!
A new generation of mutants is emerging, that much is certain. They will be called freaks. Genetic monstrosities. [...] But they are emerging in the inner cities, in the suburbs, in the deserts and the jungles. And when they emerge, they will need teachers, people who can help them overcome their anger and show them how to use their strange gifts responsibly. They will need us.
Ghost stories, Jean? Sixteen million mutants died here on one day... is it any wonder there are ghost stories?
Nor do I have his powers, though I trust I simulated them convincingly. I regret the distasteful charade, but a bit of misdirection was necessary to protect my true identity...
My name is Charles Xavier. I am a mutant. And once upon a time I had a dream... of a world where all Earth's children, both mutant and baseline human, might live together in peace. This isn't it. This is today's reality.
"Violence and destruction always seem to come so easily to even the best among us. But together, we found a better way."
There is a moment when I pray it's the lightning that wakes me. But from the start I know that isn't true.
Welcome to the Republic of Genosha. This is all it takes, really. Two hands clasped in fellowship, pledging to build something better.
I have a friend. This fight is not his, but he did send out a magnetic pulse to make sure there were no systems operating that you could bring to life.
You cannot have children. You never could. Now stop abusing your mutant powers and put it back. You're only hurting yourself.
I... I wish I could... but... I assume in some way, Wanda Maximoff gave me back the use of my legs because she wanted to show me what being a cripple really was... because I can't use telepathy... I'm not a mutant anymore.
First, the five of you are going to steal a spaceship... and then we're going to put ourselves in the path of Vulcan's fury... and hope we can bring him back to his humanity before it's too late.
I just let it know that despite appearances, no species rules the Earth and that there's room for all of us.
This mansion is still a school, and I consider all those who live under its roof students. Even you still have something to learn. If not from me... then, perhaps, from Kitty.
I think -- we cancelled each other out, for a long time. And then -- finally -- we became irrelevant. The future walked around us.
His strategy was to show me my own folly, my own weakness. He made me relive every mistake that Charles Xavier had ever made. Every scrap of guilt that could be laid at his door. But the man who made those mistakes is dead. His failings and his failures died with him. I have the chance -- the possibility -- to be someone better.
Yet no one can decide that for any of you. If we want what's best for Warren, then we may have to... ...let go.
You hear that, Sinister? That was the sound of your exit strategy breaking into a million pieces. That must be demoralizing, surely. Conducive to despair. This is my body. My mind. GET OUT!
Yes, well, I won't sugar coat it, Mister Grey. This is only the smallest first step on a long and difficult journey.
Jean told me once -- that death and birth can sometimes be the same thing. That when your life stops, new possibilities open up. ... I'm glad I got to see you again, Scott -- and that I leave the X-Men in such good hands. Goodbye.
You're right, Cain. Redemption isn't always possible. But understanding is. I understand you better now, and I know you've chosen the path you walk. For you own sake -- don't stray onto mine.
This is no shelter. This is a dollhouse you built for my son to play in. ... As soon as anyone takes a close look at your Fortress X, the cracks start to show.
I was wrong. Not about me. About you. You've done what I could never do: You've united mutantkind and provided us a safe haven and a common purpose. You made it happen. Except it's suddenly not so safe. We've only just come into being, yet it may all be gone by this time tomorrow. Unless you make your first big decision as our leader a good one.
I've had years to reflect, to consider how different he is from the rest of his kind. Somehow he found a way to overcome his nature and live on his own terms. He's not like Dracula, Jubilee, not like Xarus. And you don't have to be either.
You're a Headmaster now, Professor Logan. Best accept the fact that you will never again seem even remotely "cool" to any of your students. And you haven't even started losing your hair yet. Which you will, by the way.
Scott and Emma are falling under the Phoenix's dark influence. I need to ensure that mutantkind doesn't fall with them.
Magnus... Maybe the message isn't coming through. There's so much confusion. So much anxiety. But what I'm trying to tell you... Is that you were right all along.
We don't have twenty years. The Shadow King you fought is not the one you're fighting now. He's boosted his powers somehow, and he's on the verge of escaping into the real world. If that happens, darkness everywhere. You need to trust me.
Choose, Psylocke. Will you stand here trembling like a cow in the slaughterhouse, waiting to feel his claws inside you... or will you fight?
There is something about the way the X-Men fight. Their history together -- all those victories, defeats, secrets, lies, betrayals, love and hate -- it makes them something only they can be. They fight for themselves, and for us, but also for what they are. Every battle is a statement. We are mutantkind. Look how beautiful we are.
You wanted to see what a world without the X-Men would have looked like. Today it looked like an alien parasite infecting a town. Tomorrow, who can say what it will be? Warren understood. You don't get to pretend that nothing is wrong forever. It catches up to you. So you all can have another of your pity parties and blame me for why your lives turned out the way they did. But when you're crying about how sad everything is, just remember... it doesn't matter. Either save the world or let it die -- those are the only choices you'll ever have. Come tomorrow, you'll have moved on and I won't even be a distant memory.
Because her truth is profound and life-changing. And apart, we always lose. We believe it's only together that you and I -- that all our people -- can survive.
And with those laws decided, we must decide what to do with you, Mr. Creed... who has broken them. Do we believe that giving you one last chance benefits our new society... or are we better served by making an example of you? That no one is above mutant law?
I assured them you could be trusted. And I'm assuring you now that they can be trusted. All mutants can be trusted. We are in this together. Krakoa is not a prison. Krakoa is both our refuge and our fortress. And you would do well to welcome your friends... and beware your enemies.
Do you think I've completely given up on my dream of mutants and humans coexisting peacefully? Do you think I don't love you? Because I do. I do... and I want you to always remember that. Someone once told me that I've spent my whole life dreaming the wrong dream... And I'll admit -- the last month has been something of an education -- but there's a small part of me that will never stop believing in that dream. There's a part of me that will never stop believing in you. But it took one month before you tried to kill me. And you were going to try again today, weren't you?
It's funny, everyone always told me my telepathy was what made me special, but I always thought my real super-power...was teaching.
Look at saved mutant children were smiling...So why focus on anything but the now...?
I'm no savior, nor am I the heart of the X-Men... You sent me to a world where I ceased to exist and yet...they prevailed. Because the X-Men are an idea...and ideas never die...they only grow.
There is something about the way the X-Men fight. Their history together-- all those and hate-- it makes them something only they can be. They fight for themselves...and for us...but also for what they are. Every battle is a statement. We are mutantkind. Look how beautiful we are.
If we kill off Moira before her gift activates when she's 13, it all goes away...and Krakoa will never have been and never will be.
Do you know what I learned? Nothing stops the Juggernaut. No, I have nothing I can teach you. And would spare both you and Cain the unkindness. But there is something else. Something new, trying to cut through so much devastation.
I've had years to reflect, to consider how different he is from the rest of his kind. Somehow he found a way to overcome his nature and live on his own terms.
Unbelievable, I spent a lifetime trying and failing to rehabilitate you, Sabretooth -- find the man in the monster, yet're a hero.
I was hoping we were beyond this, honestly. But they -- whoever they are -- are operating from the shadows. So we must respond in kind.
Statis... deep inside Krakoa. Alive but immobile... aware but unable to act on it... And for how long? Forever, Creed. For that is how long mutant justice lasts. Perhaps... one day, a time might come when you have an opportunity to redeem yourself... But that time is not now, and until it is... you are EXILED.
Xavier | No more, Magnus--NO MORE!! Logan shall be the last! No one else will ever suffer! You caused the deaths of hundreds today, Magnus--deaths I could have prevented had I stopped you years ago! You have killed too many, Magnus--and I have had ENOUGH!! I will make sure--here and now--once and for all--that you NEVER kill again!! |
Magneto | Ahhhh...Char--les...I never would... |
Wolverine | Let me go into that wonderful warmth! Hear that music? It's all the voices o' everyone I ever loved, singin' the end to loneliness and sorrow! It's the brilliant, shinin' chord o' redemption! |
Professor X | Logan! It's death!! |
Wolverine | Aww, Charlie... don't ya think I know that? |
Barnacle | We beg your forgiveness -- and ask you for asylum. |
Professor X | Now? After all this time, you finally choose this institute? I am sorry, but I cannot provide it for you. I tried and failed that approach when I accepted Sabretooth into my care. I no longer have the compassion to forgive your actions -- or the energy to teach you to have it for others. |
Xavier | I'm sorry, Logan, But I refuse. Erasing your memories is not the answer. |
Logan | You were in my head, Chuck. You saw what I really am! |
Xavier | But I can also see the man you have become since then. Your memories stand as a testament to that journey. |
Professor X | This stops now, Scott! This is madness and this is as far as you go! |
Cyclops/Phoenix | It's not your call, Charles. |
Professor X | All that I taught you, all that I tried to instill in you as an X-Man... This is a punishing disappointment! |
Cyclops/Phoenix | Get out of my head, Xavier! You join us or you leave us be! This is not your fight. You forfeited your right to tell me what to do when you-- |
Professor X | Scott, I'm saying this to you as clearly as I can... Stop this or I will stop you. |
Cyclops/Phoenix | Charles, if you could have, you would have. |
Professor X | Scott, I love you. I don't want to do what you're going to make me do. |
Cyclops/Phoenix | If you love me, you'll side with me. |
Professor X | Last chance... Stop or I'll stop you. |
Professor X | This enmity. It's unreasonable. I wasn't aware he even existed for most of his life. If anyone is to blame, it's his moth-- |
Blindfold | Then come and tell him that. If you truly believe it. Tell him that a great telepath, given to scrying for mutants the world over, had no idea--no suspicion--of his own inconvenient legacy. Tell him you simply didn't know, Professor. Because--at the moment? It reads a lot like you didn't want to. |
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