List of all known work(s) that Charlie Beckerman edited.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Charlie Beckerman" into "Editor" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Charlie Beckerman" into "Editor" field of said article.)
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All items (137)
- Lords of Avalon: Knight of Darkness Vol 1 1
- Lords of Avalon: Knight of Darkness Vol 1 2
- Lords of Avalon: Knight of Darkness Vol 1 3
- Lords of Avalon: Knight of Darkness Vol 1 4
- Squadron Supreme Vol 3 9
- Lords of Avalon: Knight of Darkness Vol 1 5
- Squadron Supreme Vol 3 10
- X-Men Forever: Alpha Vol 1 1
- Lords of Avalon: Knight of Darkness Vol 1 6
- Squadron Supreme Vol 3 11
- Riftwar Vol 1 1
- Squadron Supreme Vol 3 12
- Iron Man: Armored Adventures Vol 1 1
- Riftwar Vol 1 2
- Halo: Helljumper Vol 1 2
- Riftwar Vol 1 3
- Models, Inc. Vol 1 1
- Riftwar Vol 1 4
- Models, Inc. Vol 1 2
- Spider-Man 1602 Vol 1 1
- The Stand: Soul Survivors Vol 1 1
- Halo: Helljumper Vol 1 4
- Models, Inc. Vol 1 3
- Riftwar Vol 1 5
- Spider-Man 1602 Vol 1 2
- The Stand: Soul Survivors Vol 1 2
- Halo: Helljumper Vol 1 5
- Models, Inc. Vol 1 4
- Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill Vol 1 1
- Spider-Man 1602 Vol 1 3
- Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill Vol 1 2
- Halo: Bloodline Vol 1 1
- The Stand: Soul Survivors Vol 1 3
- Spider-Man 1602 Vol 1 4
- Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill Vol 1 3
- Spider-Man 1602 Vol 1 5
- Stephen King's "N." Vol 1 1
- Electric Ant Vol 1 1
- Stephen King's "N." Vol 1 2
- X-Men Forever Annual Vol 1 1
- Electric Ant Vol 1 2
- Stephen King's "N." Vol 1 3
- X-Men Forever Giant-Size Vol 1 1
- Electric Ant Vol 1 3
- Hercules: Twilight of a God Vol 1 1
- The Stand: Hardcases Vol 1 1
- Stephen King's "N." Vol 1 4
- X-Men Forever 2 Vol 1 1
- X-Men Forever 2 Vol 1 2
- Electric Ant Vol 1 4
- Hercules: Twilight of a God Vol 1 2
- Iron Man: Legacy Vol 1 4
- The Stand: Hardcases Vol 1 2
- X-Men Forever 2 Vol 1 3
- Black Widow Vol 4 4
- Thor Vol 1 612
- X-Men Forever 2 Vol 1 4
- Electric Ant Vol 1 5
- Hercules: Twilight of a God Vol 1 3
- Iron Man: Legacy Vol 1 5
- The Stand: Hardcases Vol 1 3
- X-Men Forever 2 Vol 1 5
- Black Widow Vol 4 5
- Thor Vol 1 613
- Hercules: Twilight of a God Vol 1 4
- Thor Vol 1 614
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp Vol 1 1
- Black Widow Vol 4 6
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp Vol 1 2
- The Stand: Hardcases Vol 1 4
- Black Widow Vol 4 7
- Warriors Three Vol 1 1
- The Stand: Hardcases Vol 1 5
- Astonishing Thor Vol 1 1
- Black Widow Vol 4 8
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria Vol 1 1
- Widowmaker Vol 1 1
- Tron: Original Movie Adaptation Vol 1 2
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp Vol 1 3
- Widowmaker Vol 1 2
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 1
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 2
- Iron Man: Legacy Vol 1 10
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria Vol 1 2
- Widowmaker Vol 1 3
- Astonishing Thor Vol 1 2
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 3
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 4
- Iron Man: Legacy Vol 1 11
- The Stand: No Man's Land Vol 1 1
- Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Ingenue Vol 1 2
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria Vol 1 3
- Widowmaker Vol 1 4
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Boot Camp Vol 1 4
- Warriors Three Vol 1 4
- Astonishing Thor Vol 1 3
- The Stand: No Man's Land Vol 1 2
- Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants Vol 1 1
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria Vol 1 4
- Captain America and Batroc Vol 1 1
- The Stand: No Man's Land Vol 1 3
- Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants Vol 1 2
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Little Sisters of Eluria Vol 1 5
- Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 622
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant Vol 1 1
- Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Ingenue Vol 1 3
- Mighty Thor Vol 2 1
- The Stand: No Man's Land Vol 1 4
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 5
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 6
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 7
- Captain America: First Vengeance Vol 1 8
- Astonishing Thor Vol 1 4
- Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants Vol 1 3
- Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 623
- Mighty Thor Vol 2 2
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull Vol 1 1
- Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants Vol 1 4
- Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 624
- The Stand: No Man's Land Vol 1 5
- Fear Itself: Black Widow Vol 1 1
- Astonishing Thor Vol 1 5
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull Vol 1 2
- Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 625
- Thor: Heaven & Earth Vol 1 1
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant Vol 1 2
- Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull Vol 1 3
- Thor: Heaven & Earth Vol 1 2
- Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 626
- Thor: Heaven & Earth Vol 1 3
- Mighty Thor Vol 2 5
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant Vol 1 3
- Thor: Heaven & Earth Vol 1 4
- Anita Blake: Circus of the Damned - The Scoundrel Vol 1 1
- Halo: Fall of Reach - Covenant Vol 1 4
- Mighty Thor Vol 2 7
- Mighty Thor Vol 2 8