Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Christopher Summers (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 This is no time for scruples, boy. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 154
Quote1 Look-- wherever you go, I'd like to come with you. Whatever you have planned, I'd like to be a part of it. That is-- if you'll have me? Quote2
Classic X-Men Vol 1 15
Quote1 Don't worry about them, troops... worry about us! Quote2
X-Men: Spotlight on...Starjammers Vol 1 1
Quote1 Bandits at 12 o'clock!...and most of the hours in between. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 70
Quote1 Ch'od, if the Emperor goes through with his plan--if the legends are true--it'll be the end of everything. Quote2
Essential X-Men Vol 1 1
Quote1 If anyone here has a god, start flattering it. Quote2
Starjammers Vol 1 4
Quote1 I'm sorry I didn't know about the whole energy thing. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 391
Quote1 And trust me on this one, son. Hope can nourish you... but rage will eat you alive. Quote2
Cyclops Vol 3 4
Quote1 They're only interested in the Symbiotes! X-Men -- hit the bricks! We'll hold them back if we can! Quote2
Venom Vol 1 163
Quote1 My son said you kids needed a lift... Quote2
New Mutants Vol 4 1
Quote1 And, Jamie...You did good cleaning up your mess. Next time we run into each other, I better only see one of you. The one who's a good example to Davey. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 58
Quote1 Great job, Cosmo! This calls for a little celebration. Quote2
Cosmo The Spacedog Infinity Comic Vol 1 5
Quote1 Don't worry about them, troops... worry about us! Quote2
Christopher Summers (Earth-616)

All items (13)
